Well as my pre-Covid plans had me doing RideLondon today, I thought it was only appropriate that I at least did the PRL Half (not got the legs or the mental resiliance for the Full!) on Zwift today.
Had to do the World Hack as I realised France/Paris were the scheduled worlds and was a little surprised at how many others were doing the same - then I saw how many riders had RideLondon or PRLFull or a charity name after their surnames and I realised that I wasn't the only one who had planned this. Think no-one on there was doing a ride of less than 35 miles looking at the numbers.
Ended up being overtaken early on by a team of five Cryo-Gen riders, so hopped on the back and rode a whole lap with them, which helped keep my pace reasonable, but had a scare on my third lap when suddenly my left leg was in immense pain - like my shin bone was trying to leap out of my skin! Stopped for 15 minutes, had a lie down and a snack and took some painkillers; when I got back on my bike, I felt normal again. Really odd, never had anything like that happen before.
Finished the route in just under 3 hours (2:40 excluding stops) and then added on a loop of Greater London Flat so I could complete my first half-century on Zwift - previous longest ride was 44 miles.