Your post made me go and check my own weight loss figures and guess what? I've lost 13% of my body weight since I started Zwifting.
I'm 6 feet 1 inch or 185.4 cm. Back at Christmas 2019 I weighed 13 stone or 82.5 kg. I lost weight in 3 ways. Firstly I caught a virus which badly affected my appetite and I lost around 7 lbs, so down to 12 stone 7 lbs or 79.3 kgs. Note: I don't recommend the virus diet!
When I started eating again, my appetite returned gradually so I was eating smaller portions and as I got over the virus I resumed cycling. I found I could live and cycle quite comfortably with the new portion size and I also cut out eating crap between meals. Bit by bit the weight came off and I've ended up at 11 stone 7 lbs or 75.3 kg. I hadn't been that weight since I was about 17.
So, if
@Whorty can skip the virus stage in the
@Del C wonder diet plan, then I think he's got a shot at his 13% weight loss!
Actually, when I stopped exercising for a while in my 40s and was travelling a lot for work, my weight topped out at 14 stone 10 lbs or 93.4 kgs. I never thought I was that fat at the time, but looking at some old photos recently I was becoming a bit of a porker. That's a 24% weight loss from that time, but obviously that was over years, so not really comparable to what
@Whorty needs to do.