ZwiftPower has you taking 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th sprints respectively!
I did a PR up the climb on the first lap but still managed to lose the group and ended up in no-man's land for the next two laps, fast enough to hold off 6th place (out of ZwiftPower finishers), but not fast enough to catch anyone ahead of me. Joffey and JLaw eased up and let me catch them towards the end of the 3rd lap, which was ideal cause by then I was almost completely out of power.
As JLaw said above, we had a constant 30 second gap for most of that lap on the next rider back, but he started to charge as we approached the climb. However I completely missed that and only finally noticed once he'd got it down to 2 seconds! Shouted to the others to "GO!" over Discord as I didn't want him catching them as well and they were able to fly off down the road thankfully. He eventually overtook me in the last 50m of the climb, but made the mistake of freewheeling down - I carried on pedalling and slingshotted past him at the little bump halfway down and was able to put enough of a gap into him so he couldn't draft. JLaw then waited at the sprint point and basically towed me to the finish!