I got off to a decent start today and was feeling pretty fresh , which is a good job because the constant rolling nature of the course . Saw
@Norry1 go for the first sprint and followed a bit behind but realised I’d be burning too many matches chasing the sprints , so eased off . Couple of times group was splitting going down the hills mainly and had to make a few surges to catch up . Had about 16 in group and tried to keep at back of those contesting the sprints , which seemed to work ok . Made a total mess of the finish , made a big surge with about 600 m to go but the little kicker up to the finish line totally blew my legs and nearly all the group came by with much better timed sprints . Came 15 th on ZP , could have scored a few sprint points , not sure .
@Norry1 scored in the sprints a couple of times, well done Martin, well done
@BurningLegs for managing to type whilst at 196 bpm. Nice one
@Del C and
@Brusgaard .