@peterob looking at Strava, my time for this segment -
https://www.strava.com/segments/16360998?filter=following&gender=all - which pretty much covers the whole of stage 3 was 1:12:18. Looking at other people's times for this segment compared to their ZP times, the ZP time is pretty consistently 50 seconds more. So can you put me down for a time of 1:13:08 please - in case I can't face doing it again!
Looking at the segment comparison, I was a minute behind Adam & Tommy at the top of the KOM, but on the descent and most of the jungle, I was steadily gaining on them and got the gap down to 33 seconds by 28km in. Then, I had the final IT glitch and lost all the other riders and in the last 14km riding alone I lost 3 minutes - not surprisingly! Shame, because if that hadn't happened and I continued gaining at the rate I was (which may not have actually been possible!), it could have been an exciting finish!
Good ride by the way guys!