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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
@Joffey If you think these bigger events are going to be more than a hour I would like others have said have a bottle of carbs drink. There is nothing worse than feeling absolutely dreadful due to Glycogen bonk a few miles from the end
I've never liked eating too close to exercise .... but, on Monday due to various reasons I had my lunch just after 12 and raced stage 3 at 2. I was on the bike at 13:30 warming up, which was less than 90 mins from eating. I still felt a bit sicky on the start line and expected to have to reign it back a bit. Strange thing is, I've never felt stronger and had a cracking ride. What I've learnt is my body doesn't mind food so close to a ride, and having that much fuel available is a massive help (I know this is obvious, but it's always been a pay-off between fuel and sicky).

Every day is a school day :laugh:


Legendary Member
Fuelling is a funny thing isn't it. I have always eaten enough to not bonk - which isn't usually that much. But listening to the TrainerRoad Podcasts (which are brilliant) made me think about fuelling to maximise performance, much as you just said @Whorty . I now plan to consume more on hard training and racing days and see how that goes.


I have a bad habit that i don't warm-up properly and not hydrate myself before the sessions. Especially harder and longer session hydration before ride probably gives benefits. I have a fan what feels powerful enough but for example yesterday after stage3 my shirt and bibshorts was soaking wet, so my body clearly overheat.


I can go 2 hours with moderate levels without food.

Races/Zwift events, I eat a banana 30 mins before the event. It takes at least 30 mins to get into the system, so there is a little store. plus most folk have around an hour of glycogen in their muscles for high intensity activity


I have a bad habit that i don't warm-up properly and not hydrate myself before the sessions. Especially harder and longer session hydration before ride probably gives benefits. I have a fan what feels powerful enough but for example yesterday after stage3 my shirt and bibshorts was soaking wet, so my body clearly overheat.

Sweating is just a reaction to high levels of activities. I too was soaked, and no one can say I dont have adequate cooling. If you overheat, you will feel terrible and see your performance drop off dramatically. Did that happen to you?


I can go 2 hours with moderate levels without food.

Races/Zwift events, I eat a banana 30 mins before the event. It takes at least 30 mins to get into the system, so there is a little store. plus most folk have around an hour of glycogen in their muscles for high intensity activity
I usually eat banana or something light as well about 30min before training. For training i take 2 bottles of electrolyte drinks, usually SiS these days. If sessions felt hard i take recovery drink after that, don't know is it help any but i hope so.


Sweating is just a reaction to high levels of activities. I too was soaked, and no one can say I dont have adequate cooling. If you overheat, you will feel terrible and see your performance drop off dramatically. Did that happen to you?
At the end when i return from the jungle i felt that i need to slow down a bit but near the Italian village i join the bigger group where i manage to ride well enough to finish banner.

edit. even for now my legs feels like i have been just in a training session.
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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I have a bad habit that i don't warm-up properly and not hydrate myself before the sessions. Especially harder and longer session hydration before ride probably gives benefits. I have a fan what feels powerful enough but for example yesterday after stage3 my shirt and bibshorts was soaking wet, so my body clearly overheat.
I'm always soaked with sweat - I only wear shorts (or bib-shorts) never a top (I know, horrible thought for those that have met me :tongue: ). But Ii think this is as much to do with riding indoors with no wind to blow away the sweat.

On riding days I always drink a pint of water about an hour before I plan to get on the bike just to try to ensure that I'm hydrated. When I first started on the turbo I often struggled with dehydration but now I manage this much better. I then sip water during the warm up - again, I used to jump on the bike and 'warm up' for about 2 minutes before a race, but now I try to do at least 30 mins warmup up. Nothing hard, just spinning at zone 2 with the odd effort into zone 3. By doing this I find I can do the odd sip during a race but I don't need to take any big gulps.


Legendary Member
@peterob looking at Strava, my time for this segment - - which pretty much covers the whole of stage 3 was 1:12:18. Looking at other people's times for this segment compared to their ZP times, the ZP time is pretty consistently 50 seconds more. So can you put me down for a time of 1:13:08 please - in case I can't face doing it again!

Looking at the segment comparison, I was a minute behind Adam & Tommy at the top of the KOM, but on the descent and most of the jungle, I was steadily gaining on them and got the gap down to 33 seconds by 28km in. Then, I had the final IT glitch and lost all the other riders and in the last 14km riding alone I lost 3 minutes - not surprisingly! Shame, because if that hadn't happened and I continued gaining at the rate I was (which may not have actually been possible!), it could have been an exciting finish!

Good ride by the way guys!


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
At the end when i return from the jungle i felt that i need to slow down a bit but near the Italian village i join the bigger group where i manage to ride well enough to finish banner.
Don't know about you guys, but I'm a bit of a 'talker' in these big group rides. I try to interact with those around me, build a bit of a 'team-spirit', with the aim of keeping the group together and ultimately I get a faster ride ^_^ If everyone is on their limits then this does work - just a gentle reminder that we're faster together, and encourage people not to drop off the back, normally helps. Worked a treat on Monday :okay:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
@peterob looking at Strava, my time for this segment - - which pretty much covers the whole of stage 3 was 1:12:18. Looking at other people's times for this segment compared to their ZP times, the ZP time is pretty consistently 50 seconds more. So can you put me down for a time of 1:13:08 please - in case I can't face doing it again!

Looking at the segment comparison, I was a minute behind Adam & Tommy at the top of the KOM, but on the descent and most of the jungle, I was steadily gaining on them and got the gap down to 33 seconds by 28km in. Then, I had the final IT glitch and lost all the other riders and in the last 14km riding alone I lost 3 minutes - not surprisingly! Shame, because if that hadn't happened and I continued gaining at the rate I was (which may not have actually been possible!), it could have been an exciting finish!

Good ride by the way guys!
Paul - this segment in Strava shows the same time for me as Zwiftpower (1:17:52) ToZ Stage 3 Link This might be more accurate :okay: Could be worth others just double checking this in Strava against their ZP time just to ensure they see the same as me.


For me it depends wich kind of ride. If it's an endurance ride I don't mind eating right before, but with a high intensity session I'm in trouble if I´ve eaten anything less than 3 hours before.


Legendary Member
Paul - this segment in Strava shows the same time for me as Zwiftpower (1:17:52) ToZ Stage 3 Link This might be more accurate :okay: Could be worth others just double checking this in Strava against their ZP time just to ensure they see the same as me.
Good spot Carl - that segment is only about 4 seconds out at worse compared to most ZP times so you could use that for me if you like @peterob (1:13:39)

Oh and thanks for adding an extra 30 seconds to my time Carl - nothing like kicking a man when he's down! :rolleyes:
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