I've never liked eating too close to exercise .... but, on Monday due to various reasons I had my lunch just after 12 and raced stage 3 at 2. I was on the bike at 13:30 warming up, which was less than 90 mins from eating. I still felt a bit sicky on the start line and expected to have to reign it back a bit. Strange thing is, I've never felt stronger and had a cracking ride. What I've learnt is my body doesn't mind food so close to a ride, and having that much fuel available is a massive help (I know this is obvious, but it's always been a pay-off between fuel and sicky).@Joffey If you think these bigger events are going to be more than a hour I would like others have said have a bottle of carbs drink. There is nothing worse than feeling absolutely dreadful due to Glycogen bonk a few miles from the end
Every day is a school day