Sure, I will post again in this thread when registration opens. Not sure when that will be but probably Feb?I might join you. It was pretty straight forward getting down there from London and 9am start is very civilised. Would you mind reminding me closer to the time?
I might end up being promoted to 'B' cat during TdZ - I'm losing weight at the moment whilst power is increasing slowly. If not during TdZ then I think I am likely to end up in 'B' soon! Who knows from there, I will probably yo-yo between B/C through the seasons (I tend to put weight on in the summer, with extra drinking and nice weather keeping me off the turbo).I'm very honoured that you consider me a Category C rider! Even at my fittest and fastest I still (just) came in under the 2.5w/kg border - now it's more like 2.2 to 2.3 unfortunately. So I'm a D all the way!