Zwift Chat

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Nice report. I like big numbers of riders in the race - but it is a bit annoying to have obvious DQ riders. Maybe the software should bin them as soon as their 20 min power shows them over category?

Couldn't see how to get live zwiftpower info - I recalled you had suggested that before and I did try in the race, but failed.
Yea, the large number of DQs is annoying, but probably something we're going to have to live with -- unless there is a tighter integration between Zwift and Zwiftpower which I wouldn't expect.

WRT the live info. Once you've clicked on your race, find the "Results", "Compare", "Sprints", "Power Zones" buttons, keep scanning right of them and you should see a "LIVE" button.

Sadly, it's far from obvious it's a button.

Anyway, it'll give you live updates every 30 seconds.

Were you in the race yesterday? I looked around prior to the start and didn't see anyone...


Conflicting info on tomorrow's KISS EUR. Some places say volcano 8 lap, others watopia hilly 3 laps. The former you'll hopefully find me in the lead group, the latter much less likely...


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
I continue to persist with a training regime. This was hard. I had to hold 215w at 67rpm for 5m 5 times broken up by 130w at 100rpm for 5 min to clear the legs. Finished off with 4 x 750w sprints from 130w - almost impossible. 1st drop out in ages meant a technical fail but after 2 min managed to get going again. I am kind of enjoying this^_^

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I continue to persist with a training regime. This was hard. I had to hold 215w at 67rpm for 5m 5 times broken up by 130w at 100rpm for 5 min to clear the legs. Finished off with 4 x 750w sprints from 130w - almost impossible. 1st drop out in ages meant a technical fail but after 2 min managed to get going again. I am kind of enjoying this^_^

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Is this part of the Zwift Academy (I haven't done anything with it yet other than the KISS race). The 4x750 look painful, particularly if you have to hold it for any amount of time.

Presumably all calibrated after an FTP test?


New HR bests yesterday for me on my ftp :

your peak 5 second heart rate was 193 BPM

- your peak 10 second heart rate was 180 BPM

- your peak 1 minute heart rate was 179 BPM

- your peak 5 minute heart rate was 177 BPM

- your peak 10 minute heart rate was 176 BPM

- your peak 20 minute heart rate was 174 BPM

I am nearly 55y old so that 193bpm makes me feel proud but a little wobbly too.
Incredible :blink:.

Do you use another power source than Bkool?
I tried the Swift FTP with Bkool as power source but had to abandon. I had to go to 34/28 just to keep an acceptable cadence and it was about 40 watts too low. Had to switch power source to my BePro pedals to get it to work.


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Yes, part of ZA and you do it 5x for 5 min each time with breaks of 5min at 130w and 100 Cadence. The idea is you engage the muscle groups in your legs AND core to hold the low Cadence and the recovery is spinning the 130w:B)
If your ftp is up to date then you rely on your ftp in Zwift and then do an ftp at the end of the training.. I thought mine was too high because it was set on a Watopia mountain ride rather than erg off but it turns out you push yourself a bit harder on a a test- who would have thought that :whistle:
Legs are still today, much stiffer than after the ftp.
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Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Incredible :blink:.

Do you use another power source than Bkool?
I tried the Swift FTP with Bkool as power source but had to abandon. I had to go to 34/28 just to keep an acceptable cadence and it was about 40 watts too low. Had to switch power source to my BePro pedals to get it to work.

I am on a NEO so no other power source needed. If you sign up to the Zwift academy there is a training regime folder set up in the workouts folder in Zwift. Have a look and see if it is of interest to you.


Incredible :blink:.

Do you use another power source than Bkool?
I tried the Swift FTP with Bkool as power source but had to abandon. I had to go to 34/28 just to keep an acceptable cadence and it was about 40 watts too low. Had to switch power source to my BePro pedals to get it to work.

LBH. Most of us who have migrated to full direct drive smart trainers with built in power. You can use a hub/pedal/crank power meter and use the Bkool just as resistance unit. The hills in Zwift aren't mega steep do the Bkool unit should be able to simulate the resistance.


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
I am already riding with Zsun. They are taking it quite seriously too with spreadsheets, targets based on current times on the courses and a training regime too:ohmy: one of the reasons I am doing ZA.

Now, if I had thought for a moment we might put a team or two together..


Damn... Clearly the Volcano CCW 8 is a good course for me.

Looked like ~80 Cs in the pen today. I noticed one rider who will remain nameless, but whom seems to consistently hit the podium and who is also a bit obnoxious in complaining about riders that will DQ, drafting off other groups, etc. If you've done a lot of C races, you'd probably recognize the name. So the plan was to try and stick with him for the entire race. The theory being if I'm with him, then I'm very likely to be in the lead qualified group. In front -- then I'm pushing too hard. If behind, then I need to bridge up to a faster group.

Given the size of the race, I figured starting hard was going to be necessary. It actually felt easier than the slower ramp-ups I've been doing lately. I found my target without an insane effort and tried to settle in for the ride. it was a tough pace, but no worse IMHO than others on the same course. My target had started whining about the over wattage folks before we even left the pen and it continued once the race started. Then some complaints about drafting off other groups being lame. It's a bit annoying. I may need to turn off in-game messages.

We had a fairly large group -- enough that we didn't fit on the "riders nearby" list, so keeping tabs on my target was difficult at times. I did some verification with the ZP live info to see if we were in the lead group of likely qualified riders and it seemed like we were. At some point a group came flying by, presumably the As. I increased power just in case someone in our group was going to try and hang on for a good draft. Most of the other riders I was watching seemed to be there after the As finally departed. Except I was having trouble finding my target! Turns out he must have drafted the As. Maybe he drafted another C that drafted the As or maybe he directly drafted the As. I don't know. Thankfully he was only about 10 seconds ahead, so I hit the gas and jumped to the faster group.

We're in a smaller group now, so it's easier to identify my target which is good. Somewhere near the 15 minute mark the Bs came flying by. And again my target got away. This time zwift reported him nearly a minute ahead when I finally found him. Damn! We had a little group of strong Cs but I figured my target had gotten away. His w/kg went down significantly as we approached the 20 minute mark -- I guessed he might be worried that he was over category limits. Suddenly he was less than 20 seconds ahead. I'd scored an aero power-up as we past the lap marker. I used it and hit the gas. No clue if I dragged anyone with me, I just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity and latch onto him again.

His group had a couple that looked like they were going to be spit out the back. I barely caught them right before the little downhill and the three of us caught my target on that little downhill. I tried to bring my HR back down so I'd not get dropped when we climbed back into the volcano -- with success. We were small enough now that I could see my target most of the time. So I settled in. I figured I was near my limit, so I didn't take any pulls for the 2nd half of the race and tried to never be in a position to have to go hard to avoid getting dropped.

As we approached the climb on lap #7 I went pretty hard to help ensure I didn't get dropped as that's been a problem before on this course. Norry (I think) dropped me a ride-on after we crested which helped as well. I was with the likely winning group on the final lap! Nothing terribly eventful through the final lap. Everyone seemed to be content to wait for the final climb into the volcano. Everyone went pretty hard on the climb, but I was still up with the group. Then folks went really hard. I tried to go with them, but only had a few seconds in me and I got past by a few, including my target.

In the end my target took the win for C group. I placed 5th out of about 50 qualified riders, just 3 seconds behind the winner. Lowest w/kg in the top 25, so clearly depending on me to take pulls in a race group isn't wise. I'm sucking wheels and looking to sneak my way onto the podium :-)

Anyway, I know I can stay with the winners on that course. Now I just need to do so with enough in the tank to finish strong.


Legendary Member
Sounds like a cool race. Would have liked to have done it - but was co-opted into Puppy's first puppy training class :eek:

Hopefully get a race in sometime today. Will have to sort the Zwiftpower Live thing. To date, I have relied on getting to the front of the group I'm in and seeing if anyone shows up in front. Of course, that can be distorted by A's and B's ahead.
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