Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Just commuting today but with a difference. No big deal, but a reminder to myself that riding doesnt always have to be flat out on the roadie.
Took my sons recently recovered MTB to work today so i could adjust the rear hub, free the V Brakes up a bit and just get it back in good order. It was a pleasure to ride with a more upright stance and just relax. Its only got a 42/32/22 chainset on it and yet i could still keep up with a guy on a Raliegh Airlite (from the looks of it)

2.10 tyres, not a lightweight bike, 42 on the chainring, but i could still razz along in comfort. Better be careful, i might get used to it !!!


27 miles commuting/pleasure riding. Is it only me that see's a long long queue of traffic in the opposite direction...and wants to turn round so i can pass them all :laugh: .
I was out at 1.30 am this morning, to cycle 6 miles or so up to Luton Airport, to meet my daughter who was coming back from Tenerife.

This was my last chance at doing a night ride for some time, so it was nice to be out in the dark, and feel the temperature variations as I went through pockets of cooler or warmer air. It was still shirt sleeve weather, so perfectly comfortable.

There were no cars around, so I could put the Hope 1 onto warp factor 4 and illuminate the whole road. I could hear a gentle rustling in the undergrowth as I disturbed some nocturnal creatures as I zoomed through the countryside, down the hill towards Luton, powering along towards the middle of the road, gently banking around the minor potholes whilst considering how the TdF seem to get brand new tarmaced roads when they're out in the sticks.

And then a gentle climb through the outskirts of Luton towards the M1 junction, still with no cars. All the old orange sodium street lights have been replaced with modern white lights, so now it was almost as bright as day, but I kept the Hope on. Then a long downhill on the dual carriageway which leads up to the airport, a gentle bank around the roundabout, then pull into the authorised vehicles only section in front of the terminal.

Then I took my bike bag out of my rucksack, took off the wheels, handlebars and saddle, and put everything inside the bike bag, and then waited in the terminal for my daughter to turn up, so we could then get a taxi back home.

I noticed how despite everyone seeming to be coming from exotic locations, most people didn't seem very happy, but then again, I guess they have just turned up at Luton, and of course they hadn't experienced the quiet wonder and delight of a night ride.


Legendary Member
Just to work and back, dodged the heavy showers but did pass a tattoo parlour someone had reversed a van into four times at 3 o'clock in the morning and made a real big mess. The neighbours were sat out drinking tea while it was made safe, they didn't know why it'd been targeted.
I got soaked today in the first few miles of today's ride then met up with brother for another 88 miles (92 in total) and went up the Tak-ma-doon Road. After that initial soaking it was a jacket on, jacket off day but fortunately nothing too prolonged or heavy and the sun came out for the Tak-ma-doon (a bit of an ironic name as I've never been doon). I took this photo of the bro at the top of the road :becool:


I did 75k of a 100k road race today, it was brutal. I had heavy legs from the start but it went off really fast and was all split up after about 20k. I ended up just off the back with 3 other guys doing through and off for 50k and then I cramped. Oh lord did i cramp, I thought I was going to fall off the bike it was so bad. So I had to pack. It was day when I questioned the wisdom of ever starting this cycling lark - if I didn't before, I certainly know where I stand in the pecking order now! Still, at least the rain cleared up and all the torture was completed in the dry!!


West Somerset
Just back from a club ride, did 48 miles in total and certainly felt it on the last ten miles. Didn't realise we'd be going so far or I would have paced myself earlier in the day. That said, the pace was a lot faster than normal so I'm feeling quite pleased with myself.

We avoided all the rain but got buffeted by winds on the return leg which seemed to constantly change direction just for the fun of it.

All in all, a good day. Glad I went.


40 miles round Mid Suffolk with GordonB this morning. Up to Hoxne, along a bit of the Waveney valley then back through Wingfield and Stradbroke to the other side of Debenham. Great countryside for cycling.

We dodged the rain but not the wind, which picked up a lot on the return leg. This meant that although we got some assist on the way out, it didn't really compensate for the ride back, which was just a 20 mile hard slog against a strong gusting wind.

It was forecast to be a wash out today so I decided to watch the Tour instead of a ride. It actually turned out to be quite nice and sunny at times. So I went out for a 46 miler after tea, I also wanted to test out a coursepoint gps route, sod's law, I got out the door and within 2 mins it greyed over and rained within 1/2 an hour, luckily it wasn't as wet as yesterday though. Oh and I think a course point mapped route with way points at key junction is a good one :-)


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
A clock-wise lap of Arran today (57 miles). Another ride ticked off the "to do" list. Weather was kind but not exactly the wall to wall sunshine promised last night on the Met Office website, so what's new :sad:. A light breeze in the face while heading north up the west coast, but all in all a very pleasant day :thumbsup:. Plenty of other cyclists about too.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Yesterday Arran; today Bute in glorious sunshine! For those with some knowledge of the Clyde islands and the alphabet, no prizes for guessing tomorrows destination :biggrin:.


Well-Known Member
Did about 1/4 of a mile - first twizzle round the block clipless......
Was practising getting my feet in and out of the pedals as I was going along, and was all good. Got back to the house and stopped at the top of the drive....could i get my foot out? Could I heck..... The thought flashed through my head 'i'm going to fall over'...... one desperate pull and i was free and stopped myself tipping.
Don't like the feeling of being attached to the bike and unable to stop a fall!! I'm sure I'll get used to it though.

The One That Got Away

Well-Known Member
19.3k today furthest so far,

pretty happy as I was on a old heavy hybrid and only got into biking 2 weeks ago?
considering also its big uphill some down big uphill etc..
time was not bad either considering I had to stop twice because of my darn chain for about 10 minutes altogether,

I think including stops was about 1hr 20mins,

happy days
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