Old layabout
Wow, looks like you guys are enjoying an Indian summer back there 

From last week - finish of the KAW after four hard days. Probably smiling to be off the bike. It was tough on a CX bike with all the camping gear - took too much (lock, shaver).
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How was the Travelodge experience with the bikes?
How was the Travelodge experience with the bikes?
Found all the missing dragonflies; they're all down on Romney Marsh.
Had a fantastic 50 miler taking in the sights of Rye, Dungeness, Dymchurch and Appledore.
My face caught the sun... Well, i was irradiated by something
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Worked there at the power plant many moons ago. We were doing some pipe welding using automated orbital welding gear. Can still remember the sections of beach, quite eerie in their own way, with old shacks dotted along them, like no other place I've been to. The other thing I remember was all the safety checks going in there and when leaving - can't mess with that nuclear stuff.