Whilst I love the sunny evenings for rides after work, unfortunately it also tends to bring the brainless drivers out, tonight being no exception and it always seems to be a ruddy Thursday as well. In the space of 13 miles tonight I came probably the closest I've been to being knocked off my bike, TWICE!
Set out and within 15 seconds I had the first encounter, after pulling out from my cul-de-sac onto the main estate road a car came from another cul-de-sac to the left and was looking right but straight past me and I had a sixth sense he hadn't even seen me and sure enough he slammed his breaks on, stopping a few inches short of me as I passed his front end

. I gave him a hand signal to ask what he was doing and he had a look of shock on his face, suggesting he'd scared himself rather.
Continued up the cycle paths to Heathgates and then into Castlefields, where lo and behold I had the second encounter. Exactly the same thing, but this time chap in Green Ford Focus approaches from cul-de-sac on left, this time looking me in the eye as I'm virtually upon him and continues to pull out in front of me, causing me to skid and he puts his hand up. That's makes it alright does it?!

Really annoyed now, and glad to get off the roads and along the river towpath into The Quarry, where the sunshine chilled me out a bit. Lots of runners out, a few cyclists and people enjoying the nice evening.
Headed through Porthill, up to Oxon where roadworks have appeared yet again, through the hospital grounds, and then through Copthorne to Radbrook.
Turned out of the wind, finally and had a nice quick spell through Nobold and Meole Brace, arriving home intact, thankfully!