Yet more commuting miles but the weather improved through the week so I've used a choice of bikes.
Monday: After the century on Sunday the muscles ached and I was more than a little saddle sore. I used the knockabout bike as it's easier to resist the temptation to "press on" with this one and I hoped the well broken in saddle would be easier on my sore sit bones (it wasn't

I went for the route along Shrewsbury's inner ring road then out along the old canal to Uffington as a lot of this is on cyclepath and I wouldn't have to mix it with traffic in my tired state, which was a good thing...... The state of the surface on the canal path wasn't though. Despite that I used the same route on the way home as being as tired as this I'd rather face the rough surface than the traffic.
Tuesday. It was wet overnight so the knockabout bike got used again, as did the Uffington route. This worked well as it was quite windy but was sheltered along the ring road then I had it behind me the rest of the way to work.
By the evening the wind was still quite strong but the direction worked well for my usual route home apart from the last couple of miles. I decided to head over Lyth Hill where the section directly into the wind was downhill so it evened out.
Wednesday: Sunny, not too windy, time to bring out the Galaxy for its first proper ride of the year.

I went for the extended version of the commute, heading down to Acton Burnell and Cressage then north again through Wroxeter to work. I do like this bike as it's so easy and comfortable to ride. I knew I had a tailwind but even so seemed to make terrific progress. A detour was needed on the way to Cressage due to the closure of Shore Lane (added 1.5 miles) then I turned north and faced a strong and gusty headwind for the rest of the way to work which hardly seemed to slow progress once I got down on the drops. (Met office says it was a 9mph tailwind but 14 mph gusting to 25 by the time I turned into it...... typical!

After a surprising day at work

I took the same route home as Tuesday, doing it somewhat faster than I would manage on the knockabout bike.
Thursday: The Raleigh came out today despite being still mucky from the century at the weekend. I went over Lyth Hill and through Condover and Atcham on the way to work in light winds at a very pleasing average speed.
Work was quiet yet oddly distracting, then it was time to head home again: My usual route without going over Lyth Hill which allowed a good pace to be set and reminded me how much I like this underrated bike.
Today: A beautiful morning with light winds so the Dawes came out again. I started out doing the same route as yesterday but added a loop through Attingham Park as there was time.
A very slow day at work and some mischief may have been made to liven things up slightly

. I made an adjustment to the angle of the handlebars which felt better on the ride home and with very light winds I thought I'd make very good progress, but in the end was a little slower than I managed with the Raleigh yesterday. That may be slightly skewed though by more traffic rat-running down the roads I use as they try to get away for the weekend.
123.3 miles for the week which added to the distance done on Sunday gives 231.5 in the last six days. A rest over the weekend seems like a nice idea.
A couple of snaps from today:
An up to date portrait of the Galaxy with Attingham Hall as a backdrop.
Minding the cattle as I leave the estate.