Your ride today....

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
For quite a while I've been wondering about having an early morning ride. Not liking sun and warm weather I've been rather put off going out in the heat of the day. This morning it so happened that there was a bird making an awful racket outside which woke me at 5. So I got up, got the kit together that was around and went out for a ride at about 06:15.

One thing that did worry me was the likelihood of seeing, or rather not seeing in time, a cycling commuter hurtling through the bridges. As it happens, I did see a commuter on my way back, but only a glimpse because he was a fair distance away and travelling somewhat faster in the same direction as I.

I did see a few folk walking their dogs and a few running but it was pretty quiet with no boats moving. It was also colder than I expected, but I did build up a sweat. (checking the temperature in my garden, it seems it didn't go above 60 until after 7am)

As I joined the tow path I saw these ducks & geese, clearly awaiting the opening of the breakfast bar.


I was quite happily riding along when I realised there was a heron on the towpath ahead. I did stop but he was obviously playing the 'just out of range' game and flew a bit farther on. This was about as near as I was allowed to get. I keep referring to them as 'he' but I haven't a clue as to their gender.


A little further on I came across this gentleman, enjoying the morning sun. He was, however, not very talkative. This was on the approach to the bumpiest section of the ride where, having decided that my tires were lacking in pressure, I pumped them up to ~30lbs which made this section a little uncomfortable. I'd also tightened up the rear 'suspension' which now seems to have acquired a digital behaviour.


Mother swan was out with her cygnets, who still appear to have some growing to do. At least she didn't seem too perturbed by my presence.


While father was almost lost in the mist on the water.


All in all, it was quite successful, aside from the difficulty of seeing anything on the return trip south with the sun in my eyes. If I can only stir myself I might do it again. Not a great distance covered, and the same route as 7th July, tho' a mite faster.

Distance 6.2miles Duration 00:54:57 Max 19 Avg 7.3mph Total this year 207.9
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Legendary Member
First "long" ride for a while due to good weather not coinciding with my days off work. Got a total of 84 miles in going out to the Dedham Vale area and meandering back - the first 30 miles were purely to get to an amusingly named hill that i just had to ride!


Legendary Member
In situations like that I tend to pull over to the side of the road and wait for a gap to cross if I know there is traffic coming up fast behind. You just can't trust them not to try and overtake.:headshake:
Yeh I must admit I think that's going to be my policy at that junction from now onwards. They had pulled out from the A5 junction and so weren't going that fast, but dropped it down to second and the Rev suggested they were going to pass me, which they did on the inside in the end!


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
So many of mine turn out like that. I hit delete more often than not and console myself with the knowledge that at least I'm not wasting actual film. :blush:
I had two problems..
1/ Camera phone, no zoom and no 'dynamic range'
2/ No proper glasses, couldn't see the screen properly!
Excuses finished, I too should have hit delete but thought my post would have been lacking without some sort of illustration.
(See my blog for examples of when I do have a proper camera :smile:)
Out on the road bike tonight.
Local circuit up Coal Road (traffic lights still not detecting bikes so i had to dismount and push round... :whistle: ), then round and back down Sherburn Road to warm up, then local roads down to Cross gates and up Manston Lane where I've spotted a course on MapMyRide that I thought I'd have a go at. Improved my previous time by over a minute (although that was on the hybrid) but still a bit to go to catch the leader who is currently 22 seconds faster than me - curse that blooming wind.
returned the way I'd come (the only sensible option on a road bike, then a loop around the Pendas and up to home.
8.75 miles, 38 min and an average of 13.5mph - I was thinking of heading up the hill to Scholes and Barwick after Pendas Fields but I baled out given the wind :headshake:- it would have been a slog and coming back down Leeds rd into a headwind is no fun at all - and fun is what cycling is all about, isn't it? Maybe next time...;)
A nice route
I head out up to Garforth a lot, then round through Barwick-in-Elmet, Aberford, Towton, Ulleskelf, Church Fenton, Sherburn-in-Elmet (calling for pot of tea @ 'Squires'), then home via South Milford, FerryBridge, Castleford

I have the same problems with traffic lights at the bottom of KirkGate, in Wakefiield, near the old ABC cinema, the buried induction loops just can't detect a bike

I was out with Wakeffield Triathlon Club on Wednesday evening for a ride.
We didn't go 'hell for leather', but 'we weren't hanging about' either, & (I think) we knocked not far off 15 minutes off the same route last week (4 this week, 8 riders last week)
That said, I don't think I'd hav gone much faster, as I was on the winter-bike, & dressed for inclement weather (thermal jacket & bib-tights, so starting to get too warm) - others were in shorts/jerseys


World class procrastinator

Off out to play by myself today. I had seen the weather forecast but went anyway. Summer rain isn't as horrible as winter rain.
I got the first mile out of the way and my garmin was telling me I was off route. I restarted the route as I realised that I can't tell the difference between 'Northern Route' 1 & 2. I've never started a route a mile away from where I put the start point before so was really pleased that Skippy the Garmin decided that it knew where I was and where I was off to next.

I rode through Hellesdon and to Drayton and then along the country roads to Horsford then across the A140 to St Faiths. Happily the A140 was busy for that little dogleg to the St Faiths Road so the traffic was slower giving me lots of time to get across to the middle lane and then across to the St Faiths road without having to panic across there. At the Spixworth road junction I decided that I would go left as the weather was holding and just hoped it would hold for a little longer.
Passing through Frettenham and Crostwick was great and before I knew it, I was at Coltishall, where there was a chap swimming in the river there. Brrr.:cold: Deffo not warm enough today for that.
I turned right - eventually - at the Recruiting Sargeant and passed The Kings Head and Rising Sun by and headed to Wroxham. Instead of turning right early and then becoming a pedestrian to cross and turn right, I took the road route instead. The kids have broken up and Wroxham is busy. The traffic was solid and stationary over the bridge because someone had decided to stop at the top of the bridge and take a picture of the river:banghead: Bloody stupid grockles.
I had filtered up the outside as far as I could but there was a bus and a truck ahead so I tucked in next to one of those electric moped things that look like an old Honda Vision. The chap on the bike looked at me and said "alright mate. Niiiiiiice bike". I smiled at him and said 'I like it'. Poor bloke nearly fell of his gopeddly with shock "you're a f***********in' woman. That's too nice a nice bike for a woman to ride". Charming. Those gopeddlies only do 15mph and blokey was not the slimmest so I reckoned that he wouldn't keep up as the traffic moved. I was right. I lost him going up the bridge and when I glanced behind having cleared the bridge and heading for the vets, he was a good 50 yards behind me.:laugh: So he felt that he could be a bit odd with me, how would he have liked it if I had said 'your bike is too underpowered for a lardass to ride'? Not very much, I would think.

I turned off for Salhouse just as it started spitting lightly with rain. On the way down the hill I decided to take a little left hand side road on account of always wondering where it went to. Nowhere as it turned out. To a farm gate with 'private' written all over it. I turned back up the hill and got back on the road that I was on (fat bloke on gopeddly just cresting to my right) so I rode up the hill and got a wiggle on as I didn't want to be caught up, down and up the next hill and followed the road out of Salhouse and then took the Salhouse Road to Rackheath, despite much bingly-binging from my Garmin, then along Green Lane at the Sole & Heel to Plumstead Road then decided that following the Plumstead Road and down Ketts Hill was a daft idea as it's a steep downhill to a busy roundabout and rim brakes don't stop me like discs do in the wet. It was properly raining by now and I was wet through, but still warm.
I doglegged through the Heartsease Estate, out on to the cycle path across Mousehold, past the pitch & putt and then over Gurney Road and on to the cycle path along the side of Mousehold again then carried on doglegging across the outskirts/edge of Sprowston suburbs until I picked up the cycle path that took me to the Marriotts and home.

29.03 in 1:58:04 so rather pleased with that. Soaked to the skin and have just about warmed up again now. Brilliant fun, quicker without Hubster but no excuse to stop for a cuppa on my own, so I didn't.
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Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
A short two mile ride to buy beer from the local convenience store. The one mile climb back to base has shrunk since experiencing the Cascades.

I took longer than expected for the journey because I was distracted by this car parked outside of the store.


It attracted a lot of attention and universal approval from everyone who walked by.
Well I haven't really had much to right about with the last few rides. I have been out with Rachel who is coming on great for her charity ride. She is settling into the road bike really well (helps that I have CX brake levers) and on only her 2nd ride she asked me if it was OK that she kept forgetting she was on a road bike! She has never ridden one previously so all I really now have to do is get her used to going a touch faster and sorting out her cornering.
A couple of days ago I went out by myself, but really wasn't in the right frame of mind and after an hour gave up and turned around and came home.
So today I decided to go out by myself again. This time with music (left ear only) I needed to 'assistance'. I'm a touch down at the moment and struggling to come to terms with everything. It could be the 'finality' of having to change our vehicle (but the truth is we both know the electrics are on their way out and we would be better off without the car sooner rather than later), facing the fact I really need a wheelchair (OK it might not be needed in 12 months time but...) at the moment for shopping and the likes and facing up to my parent's wedding anniversary and do this weekend! Yep I think it is probably the last one really. :laugh:

So I set off along the Whitegate Way and pushed hard to get going and get a good time on strava, it would have been really nice to see a yearly PR or something similar but it was not to be. A couple of people who I chat to spotted me and commented that they hadn't seen me recently... plus there was some horse dodging to do (harder on a trike) and plenty of walkers with dogs, plus it is now that time of year and the area around the campsite.... on the up side there is a new café, at the Whitegate station itself. So if someone can remind me of that website to mark cyclist cafes in please I will happily test it in a few weeks time and enter it. There are few and far around our area unless you want to venture into Delamere itself.

Then traffic, roads, the standard being stared at and having to smile back and happily hold up motorists.... actually the motorists of Winsford either didn't know what had hit them or were behaving. I had no issues. Then a loop back because time was short and I had tried my best this morning to avoid going out... :whistle: and a stop off at a post box that I photo'ed last year on what was to become my last leisure ride by myself.

I rather like this road sign. It just appeals to me for some reason and one of these days I am going to go down that lane and see where it goes to. Mind you I said the same thing about the next lane along as well.


Last year's last leisure ride by myself... 18th October.


A slight change. I'm not certain I will be able to get the red leaves of last year this year because I'm on holiday from the 3rd October for 2 weeks...

It had been spitting with rain, that sort that it is not worth putting a waterproof on for, but as my ride progressed, so did the rain in heaviness. By the time I got home it was trying to rain much harder... It succeeded about 30 minutes later. by now means a long ride or a fast ride though one of my fastest, but a ride all the same and I felt better for it afterwards which is all that counts.
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