My 3rd evening ride this week, taking the reverse of a route I put together a few weeks ago.
It was actually only a breezy evening, rather than windy, for the 1st time in god knows how long! Still too much for July, in my eyes, but heaven compared to recent rides.
I went through the estate and onto the A458, taking my life in my hands turning right, where by the sound of the car engine behind me I think they were about to overtake me, despite my clear signal right, until I turned my head and glared at them, so they proceeded to undertake me closely at speed. Knobhead!!
Anyway, I was on the Betton Abbots road with my life intact and proceeded down to Atcham and into Attingham Park National Trust grounds. I had to run the gauntlet of the cows, I really don't like or trust those animals, but other than a few glares they didn't seem to be bothered by me.
I then took the road from Berwick Wharf to Upton Magna and through a cloud of gnat type incests that covered me from head to toe, necessitating a stop to brush them clear and remove them off my sunglasses.
From Upton Magna I took the Pelham Road to Rodington Heath and I came across a Fox sat on the grass verge! First time I've ever seen one when out on my bike. As soon as it saw me, it scarpered into the field, but great to see
I then wound my way up Somerwood straight. It's not particularly steep but it's a couple of miles of climbing and so hard work, before the nice descent down Haughmond Hill, back into Upton Magna and along my old regular route to Uffington.
I joined the old canal path and after reaching the gravel section I came across a kid on a motorbike

. He soon got out of my way and gave an over friendly "alright mate, how are you" which had the feeling of a "I know I'm not supposed to be on here" about it.
I continued along, ringing my bell for a couple walking 3 dogs, who gave me a cheery thanks and well done for having a bell

and then followed the cycle paths back into Sutton Farm. Unfortunately here I encountered knob number 2 who passed me, about 200 yds from home, not changing their course at all and must have given me about 3 inches of room.
I was a bit naughty and crossed over onto the path for a short section, whilst he was waiting at the T Junction and gave him a wave as I joined the cycle shared path and left him well behind
21.0 miles at 12.2mph avg