Your ride today....

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A lovely 64 miler today. Bit chilly at the off, but lovely at the end.
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(Spot the tiny little fluffy duckling) awww bless :laugh:.

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(Yours truly FPKW a go go):thumbsup:

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Sorry, couldn't resist.

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A hat full of Strava bollix to boot:thumbsup:

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I stand up to be shot down!! Who is depicted in the statue?


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
After a good few pottering rides, due to buying the new pottering bike, I took the lighter and slightly racier Boardman out for a change. My route was a bit ad hoc due to Mrs ID going into town to meet an old colleague so I set about causing myself pain through upping my pace and deliberately seeking out some climbing.

I always seem to be 'starting again' on my fitness levels after enforced resting through MS episodes, I also gain a bit of weight though my inactivity so I'm glad when I feel like I can go a bit harder than normal and make yet another first step on ridding myself of that.

Due to not having space for the proper camera and not stopping as much there aren't many photos but I managed a 54k with 681 metres of climbing and a 24kmh average according to my GPS thingy. I did a figure of eight route, at one stage passing within a couple of k's of home, it would have been tempting to turn off homewards here but the computer was reading 60kmh as I whistled past the turning, recovering and descending back down after completing my biggest climb.


The building is the former 'Salston Hotel' near Ottery St Mary, now boarded up and being redeveloped.

The peak in the far distance is somewhere on Dartmoor, this is the Exeter side of the Airport.
To be honest, looking at this photo now, I shouldn't have bothered! It looked alright when I framed it up.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
..........did some cycling in the Le Havre area and also near Honfleur. Superb roads even the back roads and some really super Col's to cycle up and down........
At last! The perfect person to ask ..... Would you happen to know whether it is possible to cycle the Pont de Normandie? If so, I would love to do a channel hopping jaunt from Portsmouth some time ... out to Le Havre, over the Pont de Normandie, into Honfleur and onwards to Ouistreham for the Caen to Portsmouth ferry. Did you ride the bridge, or did you have to go the long way round?


Decided to have a wander along the Thames Estuary on my hybrid, as I have not done it in a while, a very slow 29k

Thames Estuary - 23-7-15.png

It's a tad industrial but not exactly busy...
WP_20150723_17_50_59_Pro.jpg WP_20150723_17_57_45_Pro.jpg WP_20150723_18_02_56_Pro.jpg

A few challenges on the way:

Luckily the ramp next to the stairs is for bikes and the tide wasn't really high!

Quite pleasant once you get past the bits above, though the path from East Tilbury/Linford to Stanford-le-hope did resemble a ploughed field in places.... but, it's better to be out than to sit in....^_^


Legendary Member
At last! The perfect person to ask ..... Would you happen to know whether it is possible to cycle the Pont de Normandie? If so, I would love to do a channel hopping jaunt from Portsmouth some time ... out to Le Havre, over the Pont de Normandie, into Honfleur and onwards to Ouistreham for the Caen to Portsmouth ferry. Did you ride the bridge, or did you have to go the long way round?

Sorry to butt in, yes you can cycle over Pont de Normandie it has a cycle lane. I did it a few years ago on the way to Paris. Very memorable as it was pouring down, good fun though!


Never used Über Member
Out on the road bike tonight.
Local circuit up Coal Road (traffic lights still not detecting bikes so i had to dismount and push round... :whistle: ), then round and back down Sherburn Road to warm up, then local roads down to Cross gates and up Manston Lane where I've spotted a course on MapMyRide that I thought I'd have a go at. Improved my previous time by over a minute (although that was on the hybrid) but still a bit to go to catch the leader who is currently 22 seconds faster than me - curse that blooming wind.
returned the way I'd come (the only sensible option on a road bike, then a loop around the Pendas and up to home.
8.75 miles, 38 min and an average of 13.5mph - I was thinking of heading up the hill to Scholes and Barwick after Pendas Fields but I baled out given the wind :headshake:- it would have been a slog and coming back down Leeds rd into a headwind is no fun at all - and fun is what cycling is all about, isn't it? Maybe next time...;)


Legendary Member
My 3rd evening ride this week, taking the reverse of a route I put together a few weeks ago.

It was actually only a breezy evening, rather than windy, for the 1st time in god knows how long! Still too much for July, in my eyes, but heaven compared to recent rides.

I went through the estate and onto the A458, taking my life in my hands turning right, where by the sound of the car engine behind me I think they were about to overtake me, despite my clear signal right, until I turned my head and glared at them, so they proceeded to undertake me closely at speed. Knobhead!!

Anyway, I was on the Betton Abbots road with my life intact and proceeded down to Atcham and into Attingham Park National Trust grounds. I had to run the gauntlet of the cows, I really don't like or trust those animals, but other than a few glares they didn't seem to be bothered by me.

I then took the road from Berwick Wharf to Upton Magna and through a cloud of gnat type incests that covered me from head to toe, necessitating a stop to brush them clear and remove them off my sunglasses.

From Upton Magna I took the Pelham Road to Rodington Heath and I came across a Fox sat on the grass verge! First time I've ever seen one when out on my bike. As soon as it saw me, it scarpered into the field, but great to see :okay:

I then wound my way up Somerwood straight. It's not particularly steep but it's a couple of miles of climbing and so hard work, before the nice descent down Haughmond Hill, back into Upton Magna and along my old regular route to Uffington.

I joined the old canal path and after reaching the gravel section I came across a kid on a motorbike :stop:. He soon got out of my way and gave an over friendly "alright mate, how are you" which had the feeling of a "I know I'm not supposed to be on here" about it.

I continued along, ringing my bell for a couple walking 3 dogs, who gave me a cheery thanks and well done for having a bell :okay: and then followed the cycle paths back into Sutton Farm. Unfortunately here I encountered knob number 2 who passed me, about 200 yds from home, not changing their course at all and must have given me about 3 inches of room.

I was a bit naughty and crossed over onto the path for a short section, whilst he was waiting at the T Junction and gave him a wave as I joined the cycle shared path and left him well behind ^_^

21.0 miles at 12.2mph avg

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Today had the driest forecast of the week so I used the Raleigh for the commute. I set out a bit early and went into town and through The Quarry, where preparations have already started for the 128th Shrewsbury Flower Show (14th & 15th of August for those interested). I continued along the riverside which was quite empty compared to usual then bumped along the old canal path to Uffington, breezed up the climb to Downton a couple of mph quicker than usual (I did have a tail wind) and finished with a quick sprint before turning onto the estate (wound it up to 26mph briefly on the flat - quite quick for me ^_^).
Nothing really outstanding to mention, it was just one of those mornings when it felt great to be out enjoying the ride.

For the return journey my morning exuberance had caught up with me a bit. The wind had picked up (it does tend to for the afternoon rides) and with the legs feeling more than a little tired, was quite an effort to ride against. I'd decided I wanted to take a different route home so after taking the usual back road to Atcham I headed for Cross Houses, Berrington, Boreton (where I used the bridge to avoid the ford, but could have ridden through regardless as the water level is so low at the moment), Condover and over Lyth Hill. Again, an uneventful ride but nice to be looking at some different scenery for a change, even if my legs would probably have prefered a shorter flatter route.

25.3 miles for today at 13.9 mph average (felt like I was slower than that at the time). I did stop to take a photo showing the new solar farm at Boreton but it's come out a bit boring so I won't inflict that on you.;)

With tired legs and a rather damp day forecast I think I'll be bottling out and taking the car tomorrow.:blush:
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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I went through the estate and onto the A458, taking my life in my hands turning right, where by the sound of the car engine behind me I think they were about to overtake me, despite my clear signal right, until I turned my head and glared at them, so they proceeded to undertake me closely at speed. Knobhead!!
In situations like that I tend to pull over to the side of the road and wait for a gap to cross if I know there is traffic coming up fast behind. You just can't trust them not to try and overtake.:headshake:


West Somerset
The peak in the far distance is somewhere on Dartmoor, this is the Exeter side of the Airport.
To be honest, looking at this photo now, I shouldn't have bothered! It looked alright when I framed it up.
So many of mine turn out like that. I hit delete more often than not and console myself with the knowledge that at least I'm not wasting actual film. :blush:

In situations like that I tend to pull over to the side of the road and wait for a gap to cross if I know there is traffic coming up fast behind. You just can't trust them not to try and overtake.:headshake:
The Highway Code encourages you to do so if it's not safe to cross at the time. I do a lot of cycling on main roads for convenience rather than pleasure and tend to position myself in primary well in advance of the turning before indicating and then (after lots of shoulder checks) move over to the right (still indicating) before making my turn (lots of shoulder checks). It usually works and I only end up stranded if I stay in secondary for too long. This happens a lot at the turning into my village - maybe I'm less attentive the closer I am to home? It's annoying and it's always for the same reason - don't assert myself early enough.
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