Your ride today....

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Another day late report:rolleyes:

Yesterday did the Suffolk Spinner sportive epic ride with Bob from the club.

Travelling down the A14 it was absolutely chucking it down but once at the venue all was clear and after we signed on the sun was coming out:sun:

Roads were still wet at the start though and there seemed to be quite a few peeps with punctures but luckily my Clement Stradas and Bob's Gatorskins held firm against all that Suffolks rough roads could throw at us.

Posh first stop at Snape maltings but the second stop had no toilets available(no-one turned up to open the hall up)

Decent progress was made although at the last stop Bob told me to press on if I wanted and he would make his own pace back.

Finished with an official time of 6 hours 14 minutes (with a Garmin moving time of 5:47) to get in to the Gold time and an 'unofficial' position of 45th in the Epic section which I'm pretty pleased with*

Sorry no pics as we didn't hag around too long at stops and we also wanted to keep a good momentum going.

Was a nice rolling course and a bit tougher than it seemed from the profile although the wind probably played a part on the backward part of it.

*Yes I know it's not a race before anyone starts:rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Another Three Hills Challenge today, Streatley, Sulham and Whitchurch Hills. 40.01 Mile round trip, warm windy day, but greyer than great granddad's grubby grey goaty, and a little threat of rain to mess up my lovely clean bike, just to stress me out. Stopped in Pangbourne for a cup of splosh, a bacon sarny and a piece of lemon cake, which was probably very nice in May, when I suspect it was made.

Not a lot on the way of photos, 'cos you've seen most of the area around here if you've been paying attention, I did manage to take a couple that might be of interest.


The top of Streatley Hill. you can see where it appears to drop off the face of the Earth.


Yeah Right!


This is Nunhide Lane in Sulham, a bridlway, they've had to put rising bollards up and these signs to stop motorised traffic trying to get to Ikea 2.5 miles the other end.


If you've ever seen the film French Lieutenant's Woman, there's a very short scene where a Horse and Carriage travel down this track to visit the church.

Streatley Hill is at 7.5 miles, Sulham Hill about 17.5 miles and Whitchurch Hill at about 22.00 miles, it's fun going down them.

Edited for tryping ellors.


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Berk on a Bike

Yesterday's ride? Hmph...
Planned a route out towards Denholme, Oxenhope and Haworth. Awoke on Sunday morning to winds of the lusty, gusty kind. Bearing in mind the somewhat exposed nature of my planned ride I promptly hit the chicken switch. Instead I did 20 and a bit miles around the locale, very up-and-down but managed to benefit from a little bit of wind doping to get a few PRs. :whistle:

Haworth will just have to wait...


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Today began with a heavy heart because we were leaving Ghent and it was pouring with rain.

Our destination was Bruges for 3 days.

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The ride was a peice of cake as it followed the river all the way on LF5.

At one point in the ride we were overtaken by 4 MAMILS who charged ahead on the path MAC 10 speed. A few moments later they charged back at the point we followed a diversion and a few minutes later they charged past again at speed finally having found the diversion. About 30 minutes up the path we came along them again with a mechanical. There was no way we were going to stop and offer advice after all what could two women know that Ettixx Quickstep and Saxo Tinkoff MAmils not know. To be fair one of them did chuckle as we cruised past. They finally overtook us just outside the city and they laughed and waved at the two touring plodders that beat them home.

Thankfully the weather improved outside the city and we managed to find a hotel and dump our kit before a well earnt beer whilst we dried out.

... and relax .
I love the hare and the tortoise theory..... Works every time! (well, nearly every time) :laugh:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I love the hare and the tortoise theory..... Works every time! (well, nearly every time) :laugh:
It was funny and they did laugh at the various times they past us.

Their rear end view was quite pleasant:wub:


Legendary Member
Another my ride yesterday, 117Km Blaby - Willoughby Waterlys - Broughton Astley- Leire - Ashby Parva - Gilmorton - Stanford upon Avon - Cold Ashby - Cottesbroke - Naseby - Brixworth - Hasselbech - Clipston - Marston Trussel - Theddingworth - Saddington - Arnesby - Countesthorpe - Blaby. Lovely day for a ride, longest for a while but I'm still managing a 100K or more ride per month - probabl won't manage another in July but hope to make up for it in August. Photo taken just norh of Brixworth



Never used Über Member
Loving these sunny summer evenings, so made the most of it with a quick scoot cross country to Garforth on the hybrid.
Up Wood Lane to Scholes,then down to the Coronation Tree, then Bog Lane and Barnbow Lane where I'm pleased to report that virtually all of yesterday's muddy puddles have dried up.
Onto Nanny Goat Lane and up the hill and through the M1 underpass, then past the stables where it was feeding time for the horses and the quick downhill run to Barwick Rd, before a quick right under the railway bridge, up the hill and onto Barrowby Lane (NCN R66). After a speedy run down the tarmac section it was into the woods on the bridleway and an uphill push to the bridge back over the M1. A slight detour onto the grass round a couple on MTBs who had stopped to give their weimaraner a drink, then a quick downhill run to Thorpe Park. Round the now deserted office park and up onto the continuation of Barrowby Lane, before the fast blast down to the railway bridge (MapMyRide has robbed me of some speed here - the bike computer was showing over 32mph, but it's got me maxing out at 18...).
Then up Manston Lane, over Pendas Fields and up to home.
10.64 miles, 58m 14s at a very acceptable average of 11.0 mph and 397 ft climbed - well pleased with that considering. Beats sitting watching the telly doesn't it?


Legendary Member
The gloomy wet and horrid day seemed to have abated a bit by the time I finished work, checked the rain radar and no more was forecast, so decided to brave the wind and go for it. Not been out on the bike for a week and with busy weekends passed and coming up I'm not getting out as much as I would like at the moment.

It was warm but ridiculously windy (18 mph gusting to 36mph according to the met office :ohmy:) as I battled it over Lyth Hill. Just to add to the issues it started to rain as well :sad:. I actually briefly thought about turning round at the top of the hill and going back home, such was my mood but told myself to man up and get on with it. For a start I had some new territory to look forward to and was going to call in on dad, so battled on.

I dropped down to Annscroft and then took the road to Plealey on new roads for me. It was a pleasant trip along there but the wind was right in my face and made it snail place. Once in the village I took a left and climbed up to Oaks from this direction for the 1st time. It is a much more scenic climb from this side and feels a bit like a mountain pass as you climb between the hills, but the downside is that it is a LOT steeper and longer climb! I needed my granny gear on 3 occasions but made it to the top and enjoyed the wonderful views over Shropshire in the now, thankfully, sunny skies.

The bonus to all of the climbing is dropping down to Stapleton Common, which was great fun with the wind behind me, blasting along at 20 to 30 mph for a good couple of miles, bar having to pull in and avoid idiot van driver on mobile phone.

I then called in on dad and had a chat for 15 minutes before heading into Condover, Betton Abbots and home, again with the wind behind me which improved my mood a lot and I had enjoyed the ride, so glad I persevered with it.

I did have a slight annoyance, as whilst I was having a shower I had left my cycling shoes outside to deodorise, but it had decided to pour down with rain again and they were now soaking wet :rolleyes:.

20.4 miles at 11.5mph avg and 971 ft of climbing.
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