Your ride today....

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Warning up nicely again with tomorrow's TT forecast to be in heavy rain I could have made more of it but the Paris Roubaix is on (so it'll probably take me ages to type this). We had planned a short one to the Fineshades cafe but with it warming up nicely after the cafe we went through Wakerly to the bridleway that goes around Spanoe Airfield, then Bulwick, Southwick, Fotheringhay, Nassington, Wansford. After leaving them I cut down the bridleway to Elton then to avoid the Elton bump in traffic when I was just in a chilled out mood I went by the gated road to the farm bridleway that goes around it and still being in a chilled out mood I cut down through Lynchwood from Oundle Road to the bridleway to Ferry Meadows and took the off road route back to the flat. Just as I was approaching the flat an email notification came up from the organiser of the TT, as I expected it had been cancelled and I could have went further, but as I was saying the Paris Roubaix is on 😉









Legendary Member
Got out again today to take advantage of the last day of good weather in this Easter spell. Decided Lakes and Dales would be busy, so headed to Bowland. Out into a wicked headwind over the Trough and the Centre of Britain. Battled eastward to Newton and then tackled the fell of the same name. This always deceives with how steep it is and saves a nasty 20% section for the top. Downhill to Chipping and late lunch at the store. Noted Cobbled Corner was shut again and was told it doesn’t open Sundays, which seems odd for a cycling cafe, although my allegiance has already gone to the country store opposite. Direct route home over Harris End where I encountered a small boy riding a donkey. Assuming hallucinations had set in I called it a day at 81km with 1380m of climbing.

Photos of approach to Trough where I paused to watch lapwings displaying, curlew and meadow pipets. Then a trig point on the top of Newton Fell.


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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Just a very slow 21.5 miles for me today. Only two of our usual crew of four for the first Land Registry colleagues "cyclocrawl" event of the year. Some of the road surfaces on the way out from Ashleworth to Forthampton and back were similar to those in today's Paris-Roubaix, but we were putting in a damn sight less effort on them. Just the two pubs today .... The Lower Lode (within sight of Tewkesbury Abbey, but on the opposite bank of the Severn) and the Yew Tree at Chaceley Stock. By the time we got to the Yew Tree, chaotic activities at the sailing club next door were well underway, resembling floating dodgems. Nobody actually sank or capsized while we were watching, but not sure how. On the way back we came across a hare sunbathing in the middle of a very quiet little side road and lost a race against another hare in a field to our side. Plenty of geese on the flooded meadows by the bird hide near Ashleworth and quite a few buzzard sightings. A nice chatty ride in decent weather.


Legendary Member
A short Easter Sunday morning ride, before the family celebrations got underway. I’d borrowed my mates season ticket, to watch Wolves play Chelsea yesterday, so I arranged to drop it back with him and so took the opportunity to use the bike.

I meandered towards his, on quiet roads, makes a difference when no retail parks or supermarkets are open, via Meole Brace and Nobold. The lane to Nobold has finally been properly resurfaced, across the entire road, which is much overdue, replacing the craters that resembled the moon.

Paul was out playing football and so had a chat to his wife for 10 minutes and then looped back home via Porthill, into the Quarry, where the world and his wife were out walking and running, so a bit of slaloming was needed and the towpath was also busy, as was Sydney Avenue with cars parked all over the place.

From Castlefields I followed the cycle paths to Monkmoor and Reabrook, where for a change I followed Rocke Street around to the island and back down to Meole.

A pleasant 11.58 miles at 11.5mph avg speed


Cycling Skoda lover
Thursday’s ride out with my youngest daughter along the guided busway onto the Roe Green Loop Line towards Worsley for an obligatory cake and drink stop at “ The Horse Box” next to the Bridgewater canal.
Took the Pashley out whilst she rode her freebie MTB which she absolutely loves.
Great ride even though we got caught in a couple of showers and the breeze was a tad chilly. Just short of 12 miles done


Roe Green Loop Line towards Worsley

Chocolate milkshake and monster cake at The Horse Box

View from the seating area next to the Bridgewater Canal

As it says on the wall


My jacket 😁

Cycle path along the East Lancs ( A580) road with young ponies taking interest


Ponies admiring the old Pashley


Charming photos @skudupnorth

Falco Frank

Oup Norf'
[Admin edit: Part 1 of the thread can be found here:]

First 100km ride of the year, but more importantly my first ride since being diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (a type of lung disease)
Lately when out on the bike I was having trouble getting up hills, I've never been the quickest up hills but was noticeably slower and I was having real trouble breathing. I thought I had a chest infection so I went to the docs.
Doc said chest was clear, no infection but as I was having pains best go for an x-ray to rule out the big C. That came back clear so then it was a spirometry test. This came back with this C.O.P.D. Basically the airwaves in my lungs tighten up and I can't exhale a lung full of air, meaning the next breath I take in isn't enough air so I have trouble breathing while pushing myself (i.e cycling up hills)
It's my own fault. I smoked. For 25 years. No one else to blame but myself. Doc said it was a mild form of the disease, it comes in 3 stages mild, medium, severe. Severe being life threatening. She said giving up smoking 4 years ago and starting to cycle was the best thing I could of done. She also said the disease won't go away, it won't get any worse, but won't get better. Treatment is limited, Inhalers is about it. I have 2, a preventative one (steroid) to be taken twice a day and a reliever to use as and when I need it.
I asked the doc about cycling. "Be careful in winter, listen to your body. If you can, cover your face, the cold air won't do you any good" she said
I've been a bit down over the last week, took some time off work to try and get my head around it. I didn't know when I was going to be back in the saddle, if I would at all. Could I cycle 6 miles, let alone 60. Should I stop riding with my mates, I don't want them waiting for me every time they got to the top of a bloody hill.
So last week I didn't go out on the Sunday, and in the week I spoke to my cycling buddies and they said don't be stupid, come out. Your pretty fast on the flats, if you want, go off ahead near a hill and we'll catch you up, no one waits.
Today I woke up and was supposed to be meeting my mates. I didn't want to. It was cold, I hadn't been out for a few weeks. Didn't want to hold my mates up. The wife said go, even if you get two miles up the road and can't carry on you've tried, you won't know until you've tried. She was right, I was putting off what I needed to do. I'm so glad she gave me a kick up the backside (and she threatened a shopping trip if I didn't go!)
I'm glad I did, I had a great ride. It was a couple of degrees above freezing, I was wrapped up, the buff over my face really worked, the air wasn't cold to breathe. The only times I took it off was to go up hill. I was out in front a lot. I really pushed myself to see what I could do. I was surprised at my effort, as were my mates. "I thought you were supposed to be ill" I heard @toptom say behind me! I gained some distance as we approached a hill and they caught me up as we reached the top. No waiting. Don't get me wrong, it was hard but I was enjoying it.
We set out from Hemel towards Chesham and then up to Gt. Missenden. The lanes were icy, the B roads were clear with a few ice patches at the sides of the road. I hit 43 mph down hill so my first over 40 for the year.
We headed toward Chequers, Mr Cameron's country retreat where the roads are littered with "no to HS2" signs. As we cycled past the entrance I gave Dave a two fingered wave at the security cameras much to the amusement of a cyclist going the other way. It was starting to warm up a bit, the red kites were circling overhead looking for sunday breakfast. We were back in the lanes to Stoke Mandeville and then B roads to Tring, it was mostly flat and we kept a good pace
A coffee stop after 30 miles in Tring where we've stopped a thousand times. Hemel cycling club were just leaving and the table by the fire was free. We decided which way to head back, Tom mentioned up the beacon ( i'm sure he wants to see me suffer!) As we approached the beacon he said instead of going up how do you feel about going around it and making the ride a 100km.
I felt good, was pleased with how the ride was going so agreed. I new a hill was about two miles ahead so put my foot down, I looked behind and had made good ground. I span up the hill and heard Tom approaching. We both made it to the top at the same time. Just had to wait for our other mate to catch up.
Back in the lanes towards Redborn. Dave left us as we went around the back of Hemel as he was flagging a bit. We had 20 miles to go and took the fast road from Redborn to St.Albans. I was out in front but about half way asked Tom if he would go out as I was struggling a little as we were into the wind. This worked and we were both up the last hill of the day (cheers for that Tom)
We picked up the lanes back to Hemel and cycled around the back of the industrial estate where I left Tom and had 4 miles to make the 100k. A bit of "round the houses" and I was 20 yards from home when I had a rear puncture! I lent over the bars to the front door and was home.
I needed that today. It sorted my head out. I was a bit emotional as I walked in, and am now as i type this. But I'm back. Cycling. Where I should be. Thanks to Tom and Dave for today, and thanks CC'ers for reading this. I know its gone off a bit from "your ride today" but a week ago I didn't think I'd be riding at all.

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63 miles at 15.9 mph average. I'm happy with that.

Good read and well done!
Apart from the cost I cant help thinking an E-bike might be an idea for when you are not feeling so well?


As long as I breathe, I attack.
14miles from just south of torrington along the tarka trail.
Just what I needed with my gammy hip. Decided to take photos rather than motor!
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Todays club pootle cancelled as it was raining and most of the others had already pulled out and with my circulation i dont do cold and wet for fun. I keep looking at the weather and trying to motivate myself to get out


Todays club pootle cancelled as it was raining and most of the others had already pulled out and with my circulation i dont do cold and wet for fun. I keep looking at the weather and trying to motivate myself to get out

Should clear up later it has here in Devon...
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