Your ride today....

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Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Just a short 11 miler here today aftre the rain had cleared.


Swaffham Bulbeck Lode from the bridge.

Popped into the hide on Tubney Fen near Reach but not much about save for a lapwing and a couple of little egrets.

Looks like there'll be no turtle doves at Reach at all this year for the second summer running. You could normally guarantee them there. I fear though that's probably it for them there now. Same story almost everywhere sadly.


I've put a cheapo temporary kickstand on the bike (in action above near Swaffham Prior) as I was getting fed up with propping it up against walls etc. it does the job but is a bit unstable. Having the proper one put back next week once my LBS has drilled out a sheared bolt from the frame. I've only been a few days without a stand but missed it no end!

Back to work tomorrow after a nice 2 week break. Dreading it!


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Like the post above, this is more of a "your ride yesterday" posting after I got back from the arrive at 23:00, had a beer and it knocked me out after the days endeavours :laugh:

Did my first 300km Audax and longest ride yet, the Rough Diamond 300 and it was a blimmin nice day out (thanks @Banjo for the rundown after your DIY), the weather held until the end too.
Didn't take any pics of the pretty bits in Wales as I was mainly grovelling into the headwind and sulking about running out of water, but here is the route. View attachment 95930

This came in the week I got a TT pb too:hyper:, so I'm gonna go and finish the rest of those beers!

Well done @Pikey
Couple of my mates also rode & finished !

Berk on a Bike

After a fallow week last week it felt good to get back on two wheels again this weekend.

A quick spin to see my mum yesterday ensured everything was still in working order (like I might seize up or something).

Today I went for something longer but familiar (no smutty punchlines please) so did an oft-ridden route of mine through Huddersfield to Holmfirth and back via New Mill. I tagged a length of the NCN66 on the end for good measure, where a couple with a pushchair let their parasol blow into my front wheel as I rode past. Grr. No harm done though.

After spending last week feeling like a dog who's had his bowl moved, it was nice to ride out again. :wahhey:

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Very hot today, so I just rode about the neighborhood on the Peugeot Shopper after fixing it it up for service in and around the neighborhood. I was thinking of commuting on it, but opted for the expedition tourer instead, as although I fit the bike, my feet are too large not to strike the ground inadvertently when pedaling, so short hops only. Gears(18) will be most welcome as well.
30C,85Fwinds SW 7,72%rel hum.


West Somerset
Saturday's ride was one of three parts. It began with my alarm at 4 am, and then again at 4.05 am, at which point I thought I'd better get some coffee inside me before the pattern was repeated ad nauseam and a new phone was required. The dog's used to me waking up at all hours of the night and not being able to go back to sleep, but she couldn't work it out this time and kept a suspicious eye on me from her bed until I took her out for a walk at five o'clock.

I intended to have breakfast before heading out at this early hour but my belly was not convinced so I had some extra coffee and put some unhealthy but convenient snack / "breakfast bar" type things in my saddle bag to tame the inevitable hunger rumbles en route. Leaving the dog to her breakfast, I was on the bike at 5.40 (only ten minutes late) and made my way out into the mostly-asleep world.

What can I say? I loved it. I've read accounts of other people's rides at the crack of dawn but never been motivated to give it a go myself until someone from my cycling group organised a ride around the Exe Estuary, starting in Topsham. The plan was to meet at 9 am, load the bikes onto the club's trailer and drive down for a 10 am start. I studied the map, checked the forecast and announced my plan to cycle the forty miles down and meet everyone else there, though I did mention the possibility of oversleeping in order to safeguard my space on the trailer!

The forecast wasn't as friendly as promised with annoying drizzle for the first hour or so, and I stuck to the main roads since they were empty and, I assumed, would have a better surface, especially if the lanes were greasy from the damp. The better surface theory was soon disproved and a persistent headwind saw me hang a left and seek refuge on the smaller, less exposed roads. It was a wise choice as I got to stop for a snack in Uffculme just as the skies began to lighten and smile.

The next stretch on B roads took me far too close to the M5 and the constant drone of motorway traffic got very boring very fast, as did the appalling road surface. It was a relief when the paths of my route and the M5 diverged. The road surface didn't improve but at least I could hear the birds again. I stopped once more for another snack but didn't take any more photos as I was worried about being late. If I'd done the maths, I could have stopped a couple of dozen times as I ended up at the meeting place nearly an hour and a half early!

I reset the Garmin, attempted to order a bacon butty, enjoyed a coffee, wandered around for a bit and then sat in the sun posting on CC until the others arrived shortly before ten. Having nearly persuaded me that I would also have to cycle home as there wasn't enough room in the cars for me to have a lift back, we set off for our 25 mile ride. We took in the open countryside and fantastic views around Woodbury Common before dropping down into Exmouth, getting the ferry across the Exe, lunch at Powderham and then back to Topsham via Exeter Canal and Countess Wear.

After loading the bikes onto the trailer, we headed for home and once we'd thanked the drivers, went our separate ways. It was a five mile ride home for me and I felt every inch of it. I worked out that I'd done 180 miles in three days, which explained the complaints from my derrière, and after a brief pause at the village shop to get milk, got home eleven and a half hours after leaving. By the time I'd fussed, fed and fussed the dog, had a shower, devoured some food myself and collapsed onto a comfortable chair, Le Tour highlights had begun and I was able to watch them suffer with a real sense of satisfaction in my own accomplishments.
Some rides to catch up on from the last few days as I've been a bit busy and our Imac died;new macbook pro in situ now though:becool:.

Oh and was away the first week-end in Bristol and Cardiff for the speedway GP;


First did a nice two part commute on Friday with a very nice stop at the Cafe Nero on Kings Parade for a 'free' coffee and a snack.



Saturday was a good club run with a bit extra added;

And back down to earth today with a wet Z2 commute in to work;

Did see a bit of wildlife along the cam pathway though,a large family of swans,couple of herons and what I'm sure was a tern diving in to the water and coming out with a fish!
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