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54 miles the journey Desford, Tropical Bird Land, the destination. Who ordered strong winds and April showers for July? I was a tad damp by the time I got to the Cafe, though I'd been having fun flying along with the tail wind, the ride home wasn't as much fun, just a slow slog into the wind most of the way home, though it didn't rain. It was also my second ride on my new Eastway,

so far I've been impressed with it, last night I raised the saddle a couple of mm and now seem to have the set up about right, I also fettled the front changer, I changed the chain rings and didn't get the set up right at first, its been ages since I fettled a front changer, I've now got it sorted and its working well, I'm enjoying the 46/38 on the front with the 11-28 on the back. My route was my usual one out of Coventry through Wood End to Shilton, Withybrook and Monks Kirby. Turned left in Monks Kirby and Headed through Claybrooke Pava, Frolesworth, Broughton Ashby, Sutton In The Elms, Croft and Thurlaston then onto Desford. My route back took me down to Kirby Mallory then across to Sutton Chaney past the Bosworth Battle Field and through Shenton across the A444 to Atterton and on through Witherley to Mancetter, then up Purley Chase and onto Ansley, Astley then through Keresley and into Coventry. It wasn't the nicest ride I've done but I enjoyed riding the new bike.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
The same for me. Think that's why I headed out to Amersham last week and Guildford, just for variety. Also crowds. Much prefer the Hampton Court through Surrey route when I have Toil days. Not too many people head out towards Windsor either which is weird. Past Staines, it's a nice ride.

Have you done a route on Strava from Hampton Court through to Windsor? Wouldnt mind a gander to maybe make a route for myself.


Gears fixed (hopefully) so a 20 mile toil up and down hill with seemingly three quarters of it into the wind (forecast said light winds!) so the gears got well worked out.
Following on the railway related comments in my last postings heres a train, of sorts!
rowden lane.jpg

Stumbled across one of the worlds shortest cycle tracks, its sole purpose seems to be divert cyclists away from what would be a pinch point in vehicular flows due to the pedestrian crossing.
Otley Road.jpg

It is however part of the way up a 1/2 mile 86ft climb with a gradient thereabouts of 6.7% so having to give way at its end is pretty awkward.
I tend to find if it's a good ride, after 30 miles I generally feel like I should have stayed out longer. I know my cycling buddy finds the 30-40 mile mark pretty much perfect, I feel the most satisfaction after 50-60 mile rides.

My issue is finding new routes, I really enjoy riding when I'm seeing something new, something different. I think I have worn out the Kingston to Newlands Corner section of the RL route to the point of boredom!

I often find that as well.


Never used Über Member
I didn't get chance to post my ride yesterday, so I'm going to post that along with my ride from today. I hope no-one minds... :blush:

Saturday: Second time out on the Road Comp and my first 'proper' ride on it for me. Still feels so blooming fast :hyper:
Warmed up on a quick circuit near home still having to watch my knees, then headed out towards Scholes, continued on to Barwick-in-Elmet and then carried on to Aberford. The bike was performing really well and I had a bit more time than I thought I might have had, so I carried on to Lotherton Hall. Took five minutes there (and a photo), before reversing the route home, where someone had sneaked in a bit more uphill than I remembered, along with a headwind that curtailed my speed on the flat / downhill bits, let alone the uphill sections ...
Still 17.13 miles at an average of 13.2 mph was pleasing enough.

Then today I wasn't really planning on going out, given a combination of a rubbish weather forecast and being at a barbecue yesterday evening. However after a light breakfast at the local cafe :whistle: the sun was out so I thought what the heck and got the MX Sport hybrid out for a largely off road blast.
Up Wood lane to Scholes passing over the route of the former Leeds-Wetherby railway line (wasn't there talk of re-opening this as a NCN route a few years ago?), then a quick ride down Main Street to the Coronation Tree and onto the bridleway at the delightfully named Bog Lane, which becomes Barrowby Lane. Passed a guy on an MTB heading in the opposite direction just before the still muddy uphill section, then a grin inducing blast down the hill to pick up the bridleway alongside Cock Beck and then across Garforth Golf course and out onto Ellis lane, heading for Long Lane.
I was in two minds here and nearly turned right to head towards Garforth and then back via NCN R66 through Thorp Park - but that would involve quite a bit of on road riding which I didn't fancy.
So instead I headed up NCN R66 towards Aberford - the first time I've taken this route in that direction. It was quite busy with a few joggers, dog walkers and other cyclists, including a couple of family outings. What a hoot that was. Had to slow a couple of times for other users, but what the heck, it's Sunday.
Got to Aberford and took 5 (and this photo - apologies for chopping part of the front wheel off, but i could barely see the screen on my phone in the sun) before reversing the above route as far as Barrowby Lane. The section of NCN R66 from Aberford through Parlington Woods to Long Lane never, ever fails to put a smile on my face - if you live nearby and haven't tried it go on, give it a try - all off road, mainly decent surfaces and there's even a curved (and supposedly haunted) tunnel to ride through!

At Barrowby Lane I turned left and headed up to Manston Lane before cutting back through Pendas Fields and then back home.
A total of 12.55 miles at 10.4 mph, but more importantly great fun. Now to watch the recorded MotoGP.;)


Its okay to be white
Another month & another sportive, this time it was the Wiggle Magnificat starting at Newbury racecourse in Berkshire so more new roads for me to explore!

With rain forecast I packed the car ready for all weathers, jacket, overshoes, gillet, mudguards, the lot & set off at 7am, after a rather large portion of porridge, for the venue, around 45 miles from home. Upon arrival at Newbury the weather was quite pleasant with no sign of rain so with pockets already loaded with food I decided to just take the gillet in my one free pocket, this however was later to prove a rather costly error on my part.

The route started straight forwardly enough, heading to the south & west of Newbury along mainly country roads & the first of just two real climbs was 10 miles in, near the village of Coombe with the second 10 miles later just after Vernham Dean, where I had actually been a couple weeks ago. But this was where the rain started, not heavy, but enough to make things a little unpleasant so it was on with the gillet, which in fairness was the right choice temperature wise.

Continuing south, it was down through the villages of Upper & Lower Chute, Abbots Anne & Red Rice towards Stockbridge with the rain still persisting but where a direction change to the east meant a tailwind was now in order for a while.

From there on it was series of little ups & downs, through Kings Worthy, Sutton Scotney & on to Whitchurch but there was to be another sting in the tail there as I picked up a rear puncture which meant a stop & tube change at the roadside. (why is it always the rear!!?)

Repairs done, the remaining 25 or so miles were probably done on a slightly under inflated tyre & the last 5 or so were back into a headwind but at least the rain finally stopped as we passed Greenham Common.

Apologies for the lack of photos but the onset of trench-foot meant I just wanted to get finished!!


The view from the highest point of todays ride, just before the rains came.


Todays venue, Newbury racecourse.


Legendary Member
A quick spin around the suburbs of Shrewsbury, battling against the wind as normal.

I'd been to my Great Aunt's 100th birthday party for the afternoon and I don't think 2 glasses of Prosecco and a Red Wine are the best preparation for a ride, but with some busy weekends coming up I need to get out whilst I can!

Began by taking the cycle paths up to Heathgates and then down to the River Severn, which was glistening fabulously in the sunshine, along the towpath into the Quarry park. There were loads of people walking, cycling, sunbathing and just enjoying the lovely Sunny afternoon.

I then climbed up through Porthill into Copthorne and Radbrook, before taking the lanes up through Nobold and into Meole Brace. I cut through Reabrook Nature Reserve into Beirut/Meole Estate, escaped with both wheels still intact and then headed back home having done 11.5 miles at 11.5mph avg. No prizes available for working out exactly how long I was out for :whistle:


Waiting for the turbo to kick in...
Like the post above, this is more of a "your ride yesterday" posting after I got back from the arrive at 23:00, had a beer and it knocked me out after the days endeavours :laugh:

Did my first 300km Audax and longest ride yet, the Rough Diamond 300 and it was a blimmin nice day out (thanks @Banjo for the rundown after your DIY), the weather held until the end too.
Didn't take any pics of the pretty bits in Wales as I was mainly grovelling into the headwind and sulking about running out of water, but here is the route.

This came in the week I got a TT pb too:hyper:, so I'm gonna go and finish the rest of those beers!


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Today I rode from home in Winterbourne to Barrow Gurney to meet a friend doing LEJOG.

We retraced my steps back to Ashton Court for a wonderful picnic laid on by her friends and family then headed seven riders.. past Avonmouth across the Severn bridge. I went home at this point.

Overall I did 52 miles. It was horribly wet in the morning but cleared up for the afternoon.



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Went on my club ride this morning.
Starting in Chipping Sodbury as the clock tower struck 9 we headed out over both Sodbury & Inglestone Commons before reaching Thornbury where the heavy drizzle began & didn't stop for the rest of the ride 8-(

Onto the Severn Bridge where the strong SW wind was blowing the motorway spray our way.

We stopped at Coffee #1 a favourite of our club - they serve fantastic coffee & great cakes.


We didn't hang about returning home & I left those heading back to Sodbury at Tockington before tackling Fernhill & the flooded Swan Lane.

Despite the conditions it was good to get out & enjoyed the wet 78 kms :smile:
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