Your ride today.... (part 1)

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When I said "once warmed up a bit", I meant me, not "it", by the way.
You must be mad.

But yes, in Warrington (and about) the sun stayed out through a diffusion of light afternoon fog. It was good photography light, although not in the hands of me!

mad - yep - totally but it is a 2 or 3 times a week commute for the foreseeable future because of my step-father's injury and my mother not being able to lift anything or do much around the home (she has polyneuritis and he currently has no hip joint and has been discharged from hospital! think Leighton hospital got fed up of seeing him in there!) . Only going over twice this week! roughly 45 miles round trip but have an additional 60m (I think) on Sunday getting over to my brothers birthday meal, but I may possibly have to consider my leg warmers in the morning, and may even consider my winter gloves...

Photography - grim, flat, dull & grey here, nothing to consider whatsoever. Sun was out for all of 10 mins but was nice when it did break through. Shame it did not last at all. Almost got to the point where 1 layer & waterproof was warm enough :cold: but was better than down south was yesterday which was getting very foggy when we left Farnborough...

Wayne Tully

Senior Member
Had a stressful morning in court (part of my job) but had the afternoon off so thought it would be rude not to go out, did the the same loop as Sunday with out the Sittingbourne detour worked out at about 40KM. Nice little bimble.





Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
When I set out this afternoon the plan was to do the same route as last time. So to start I headed over Lyth Hill to Condover, past the broken Clio still in its field, to Ryton where I caught and overtook a guy on a racing bike (naturally it's because I was so fast rather than because he looked utterly knackered and about to drop ;)) before heading to Longnor.

When I got to Longnor I got tempted to go a bit further and headed out to the climb over Folly Bank to Cardington. Looking it up just now, the last time I headed this way was in mid July: a bit of a contrast.

This is the first big climb I've done since pulling the knee and I'm pleased that there were no problems at all ^_^ (apart from me being slow due to lack of practice:rolleyes:).

By the time I dropped down into Cardington the sun was setting and lights were wanted. It was also getting quite cold, not that it was that warm to start with.

I was now on the return leg past Church Preen school, Kenley, Acton Burnell, Pitchford, Condover and over Lyth Hill again. I should have changed the batteries in the one front light - it was getting quite dim by Condover. Just as well I have a twin lamp set up front and rear now.

29.4 miles this trip at 11.9 mph average.


Lyth Hill - not much in the way of a view today.


Caer Caradoc enveloped in mist. 328' (100 metres) of climbing to Folly Bank starts from here.


At the top of the climb I'm such an interesting sight the sheep are queueing up to see me.:giggle:


Obligatory shot by the finger post at the top. I cleaned the bike specially for this you know.:whistle:




Sunset. It's a bit too misty to produce the spectacular colours of a few days ago.


Getting properly dark now - do you think the motorists will notice me?


West Somerset
Bimbled into town and back this afternoon - it would have been utterly undeserving of any attention beyond the mileage being logged except for two things. Firstly, once the fog finally cleared up, the light did some wonderful things to the landscape (shame I only had my phone and not a proper camera):

Afternoon sun 11dec13 (800x600).jpg

Secondly, I nearly had an off on a corner when my front wheel seemed to be unattached to the bike and the only thing keeping my upright was an invisible mattress of bleepy bleep words which just about held out until the bike put itself back together and I somehow rounded the corner unscathed.

Unfortunately, I was in a supermarket car park at the time so a large number of Taunton's youngest inhabitants have now learnt some new words to say to Grandma over Christmas.



Grimpeur des terrains plats
Tonight's ride was remarkable for very little,

yes it was the excuse of recording 11/12/13
The excitement of having my first Xmas dinner for tea*, the advantage of mrs craigwend being a dinner lady (*northern speak)

Having cut the planned ride from 23 miles to 15ish after discovering I had the only set of keys & mrs craigwend &jrs would not appreciate being 'locked out'

On setting off in the dark, once I was out the village the density of the fog imposed itself upon me, we that's if I could see further than 5 yards, even the road I have travelled many times became unfamiliar, long & uncertain, this my decision was to cut to the '10 mile loop',.

As I travelled a mile & half from home 'what light from yon road shines?' I thought, being able to see 'a light in the near distance which was impressive in it's self, though I conceded it looked too high up to be another cyclist, probably a dog walker I thought...

As I approached I realised it was another cyclist, with a helmet mounted light, this of biblical brightness; as we got close he cheerily cried out, "There's two of us daft buggers out then" ...:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
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Re member eR
I've been stuck in all day struggling with a job that should have taken day and a half. I'm on day 3 now :cursing:, so after eating and letting my dinner get down I thought I'd go out despite the cold. Just to get some fresh air. Boy oh boy was it fresh?? Just a small local loop which, while boring, is tough enough to make a few loops worthwhile and has the benefit that it's easy to bail out when I've had enough. 15miles or so with 1250ft of hills


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I really like the look of Shropshire, Phil - that's the kind of countryside I like to cycle in!

As for me ... I couldn't waste a mid-December day with such fine blue skies so I headed out on my Basso to see if I could knock some time off my current record in my ongoing 20 Minute Cragg Vale Hill Climb Challenge. A headwind was picking up as I rode up onto the moor, which slowed me down, and my disease-damaged lungs were hurting in the cold air so I didn't want to push myself too hard, but I still managed to nibble another 8 seconds off my time.

I had intended to turn left at the top, but when I got there I decided to go the other way down to Littleborough for a change. It's a nice quick descent but it was really chilly today, despite the sunshine. There are nasty potholes on some fast (40+ mph) stretches of the road so keep your wits about you if you ride down there in the near future! (The road down to Ripponden from the junction is being used on next year's Tour de France stage so I am sure that any holes in that will soon be fixed, whereas the road down to Littleborough isn't and so will probably not be repaired. It would be nice to think that they would do the whole road, but judging from what I have seen locally so far, it is only the actual Tour route which is getting special attention.)

I could have turned right on the A6033 in Littleborough, but I prefer to take the scenic route away from traffic, via Caldermoor and Calderbrook. That's straight through the lights, past the mini-roundabout, then right and up a gentle climb to a crossroads at Caldermoor, where I take a right on Calderbrook road which climbs up 100 feet or so for some fine views across the valley.

That road eventually starts to climb and and narrow. I was pleased to find that the new slimline me can climb it quite easily in a 39/25 gear. The old fat me a couple of years ago was forced to use the granny ring and I would be huffing and puffing all the way up.

I was enjoying my ride in the sunshine, but then a stupid private hire driver did his best to spoil my day. I was just coming up to where the grey car is in this StreetView shot and spotted 2 vans coming down the hill towards me. No problem. I looked over my shoulder and saw a car coming up the hill about 200 metres behind me. There were cars parked on my side of the road again today so I pulled out to pass them. The oncoming vans were getting close, and then I heard the driver behind gun his throttle and go for the rapidly vanishing gap between me and the vans. I swerved left as he shot past and cut back in across my front wheel, missing me by inches and the front of the first van by a couple of feet. The van driver's eyes were bulging in shock and I screamed at the cab driver and made a hand gesture which left him in no doubt what i thought of what he had just done! The car slowed and I saw him look in his mirror. I thought "Hey up, here we go ... He is going to stop and pick a fight with me now"! Then I reckon he realised that I am quite a big guy and thought better of it, and shot off up the road. PILLOCK!!!

It took a minute or two for me to calm down and I was watching out in case the driver tried to ambush me from a side road. No sign of him. He must have gone back down to the A6033 by one of the roads on my right.

Anyway, back to the ride! Calderbrook road experienced landslips a number of years ago. The road underwent extensive repair work but somebody must have cut a few corners because the road soon started to slip again. It is now closed permanently. Well, never say never, but it has been shut for years and nobody wants to spend the millions that would probably be required to stabilise the hillside properly!

Road closed, but not for bikes ...

Road closed - but not for bikes.jpg

This road is on the move ...

Cracked road due to landslip Calderbrook Road Littleborough.jpg

The railway line between Littleborough and Todmorden passes through Summit Tunnel, under that hillside. When I was a student in the 80s, I used to catch the train from Manchester to Hebden Bridge once a month, so I travelled through the tunnel a lot. One evening, I was watching the local news on TV when I saw shots of flames shooting out of ventilation shafts on a hillside. A goods train was on fire in Summit Tunnel! It took months for the tunnel to be brought back into service.

A Summit Tunnel air shaft, next to Calderbrook Road. (The Mary Towneley Loop bridleway is crossing in front of it.)

Ventilation shaft for Summit tunnel.jpg

I took a picture looking back over the A6033 to Chelburn Quarry. It is disused now, but the site of it was where that huge bite has been taken out of the opposite hillside. I don't know if that was all due to quarrying. It always looks to me like there was a big landslide at some time in the past.

Chelburn Quarry, Littleborough

Chelburn quarry Littleborough.jpg

Now then ... do you pay attention when out riding? Or even when reading about other people's rides? Take a look at this picture ...

Did you spot it?

Did you spot it #1.jpg

Let me tell you - it is not obvious! The sign on the left is a clue ...

Let's make it easier for you ...

Now, did you spot it?

Did you spot it #2.jpg

Yeah, yeah, the road is a bit broken up. You need to be careful?

Okay, let me tell you ... You just cannot see how bad this is until you hit it, and then it could be too late. The angle of the road is such that the enormity of the problem is disguised. This is what it looks like from the other direction! :eek:


Did you spot it #3 - ok you spotted it.jpg

The first time I encountered that landslip-damaged bit of road, I was doing 20 mph down the hill! My bike just shot into the void and I could see broken tarmac below me waiting for me to land. It was a 'real brown shorts moment'! I have absolutely no idea how I managed to control the bike, not buckle a wheel, and not get a puncture.

So ... by all means follow my route, but - WATCH OUT! :thumbsup:

Soon after that, the road emerges onto the A6033. I bombed along that to Walsden and (me being me) then took the first chance I had to get off the busy road and back up a hill into scenery. Right up Hollins Lane in Walsden, then right up Lumbutts Road.

Once again, I could feel the improvement in my climbing. That stretch of road is fairly steep, but it presented no problems, and neither did the rise out of the big dip in the road at Lumbutts, as the road climbs back up to Mankinholes.

I stopped to take one last picture before descending from Mankinholes ...
Stoodley Pike towering over Harvelin Park

Harvelin Park Stoodley Pike from Cross Lane Mankinholes on a lovely December day.jpg

There were Road Closed signs for the descent through Shaw Wood but I ignored them. 99% of the time it is possible to walk or cycle past road works. Sure enough, the road was dug up but there was room to squeeze by. One of the workmen actually apologised for putting a sign in the narrow stretch of tarmac that had not been dug up!

That was the end of the scenic stuff. I emerged onto the A646 and headed for home.

22 miles in the sunshine on December 11th - can't be bad! :sun::smile:

PS In case anybody spotted the elastic bands round the GPS and wondered what they are for ... I have pumped my tyres up to slightly higher pressures than before to see if I prefer the feel of the bike. (So far, the answer on our poorly maintained local roads is ... 'NO!') I found that the increase in vibrations through the bars is causing the GPS to rattle. The elastic bands are there to quieten the racket down! I think a more permanent solution with duct tape or Blu-tack might be required. Either that, or lower the tyre pressures again!
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Today turned out to be 'one of those days' as I rolled out of bed cold. Shower to get warm, making me later out of the door than hoped for, but the sunrise almost made up for it - taken out of the bedroom window... the rest of the day was either dull/overcast/raining/flat light/plain boring or simply dark...


5km down the road and struggling with a nasty headwind I developed these nagging doubts :angry:. I couldn't place what the problem was, so stopped for a breather and a think and a few minutes later it dawned on me - I had started the day in my black cycling top, gone outside, taken one look at the weather and changed to my hi-viz waterproof. What I had not done was transfer my steroids over - those things I have to take 3 times a day at a set time... I've only been on them a month so have no spares I can leave at my parent's home yet... so I had no choice but to return home to pick them up and have another attempt at getting over to my mothers...:cry:

Attempt 2 saw me that late, I had missed the rush hour and the school run so decided on a 'short cut' down the A556 dual carriage way instead of 2 sides of a triangle via Northwich town centre which is my usual approach, but when I got there, it was still surprisingly busy, so I ended up on the pavement - despite this every vehicle 'overtook' me by moving over to the 2nd lane . :eek: I know the footpath is very narrow at that point but it's not that bad! The 2 people I met on the shared cycle/pedestrian both kindly stepped out of my way onto the grass when the saw me slowing down and preparing to stop (!) so all I had to do was to continue to battle with a nasty headwind... It tried raining on me but it really was a half hearted attempt and gave up after 10 mins or so, but it was one of those days where it has always looked like it was going to rain and everything was damp. I can honestly say I was exceptionally grateful to see my 3 mile marker signpost (that is I have 3 miles left marker) and the Fingerpost Farm signpost - the headwind had been unrelenting. I was going to stop to photo Fingerpost Farm signpost, but it is at a junction on a back lane and usually it is really quiet. today chaos broke out, complicated by the fact a cyclist wanted to turn right as well as all the car drivers.... I baled on stopping and stayed assertive - the road is not wide enough for anything else!

With all the 'jobs' and help out of the way, (fixing brakes on wheelchair (my step father can't get into the garage to his workbench because his Harley is in the way:wacko:), attaching lights to mobility scooter, baking another Christmas cake, making lunch, wrapping more Christmas presents etc (still refusing to wrap my own!)) it was time for me to head home in the dark. Monday's purchase of a 2nd Exposure light had arrived yesterday, so I had charged it up knowing I would need it... I needed it rather a lot sooner than usual because of this morning's 2nd attempt on life in general. As I was hammering it down a country lane, knowing I was about to come up on 2 hairpin bends at the bottom of a step decline, the 1st light flashed at me, then went exceptionally dim for 1-2 seconds :hyper: - its way of letting me know it is down to something like 15 mins of power - but I didn't need it to do that at that point :surrender:. All I could do was brake to a halt and hope I stopped before the bend - then it came back on and life was OK again but time to swap lights over... At one corner I was wondering if an oncoming car would see me (single track lane) over its main beam - amazingly they dipped their headlights before the corner, so they must have been able to see my new light over their main beam!

From there, drivers became exceptionally helpful... I have no idea what happened but at several right hand turns, they flashed me out onto the 'main' road deliberately holding up the traffic behind them and then happily waited until there was plenty of room before overtaking me! A fast canalside road stretch saw me make better time than usual - for some reason I find I am happier to cycle very wide at night usually picking the 'smoother' line and often in the middle of the lane - I don't ride the same stretch of road in daylight that way, so have not worked out why I do this, but along this section of road it makes for a much faster ride. the last stretch to home saw a very tired lady cursing one of the final uphills as I struggled up it in my lowest gear thighs screaming at me, before entering what I consider to be the home straight - still some 5 mins cycling out, but from there it is all downhill....

knackered now.

Attempt 1 (9.2km)
Attempt 2 (31.5km)
Home (33.6km)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Today turned out to be 'one of those days' as I rolled out of bed cold. Shower to get warm, making me later out of the door than hoped for
I've never had a shower/bath before a ride! If I did have one, I'd probably feel so clean and relaxed that I wouldn't want to bother with the ride. I look forward to having a soak when I get back.

Mind you, I am rarely cold when I first get out of bed ...
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