Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Senior Member
The Shire
Twas the Friday Night Ride to the Coast...and the ride back home.
What a glorious ride it was too. Almost perfect cycling weather and some lovely cycling roads with an even lovlier tailwind to boot. The morning ride home however was a bit harder. Riding solo and battling a bleedin' headwind a lot of the way.

187 miles for the night/day .. Century 98 total and century 22 for the year to date.
I am a little tired after 13 hours of riding :tired:

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:bicycle:Flippingheck!!!! fair play to you


Got up early to attend a Sportive, started well and was enjoying the ride, weather was great. At 21 miles bang, hiss, damn p**cture, stopped and checked only to find the tyre knackered, attempted to put a couple of patches on the inside, no luck and didn't have anything else I could try and sure up the tyre with. The split was like a Merc badge with each of the three splits about 8mm in length. Phoned the emergency number and they dispatched the mechanic, 2 hours later and after helping two others with p**ctures I gave up waiting and phoned the wife to come and collect me. Really gutted as I was really enjoying the ride. The tyre is now in the bin and a new one is waiting to be put on.
Twas the Friday Night Ride to the Coast...and the ride back home.
What a glorious ride it was too. Almost perfect cycling weather and some lovely cycling roads with an even lovlier tailwind to boot. The morning ride home however was a bit harder. Riding solo and battling a bleedin' headwind a lot of the way.

187 miles for the night/day .. Century 98 total and century 22 for the year to date.
I am a little tired after 13 hours of riding :tired:

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Did you get to enjoy passing all the parked traffic on the Dartford Crossing?


World class procrastinator
Twas the Friday Night Ride to the Coast...and the ride back home.
What a glorious ride it was too. Almost perfect cycling weather and some lovely cycling roads with an even lovlier tailwind to boot. The morning ride home however was a bit harder. Riding solo and battling a bleedin' headwind a lot of the way.

187 miles for the night/day .. Century 98 total and century 22 for the year to date.
I am a little tired after 13 hours of riding :tired:

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I am knackered just looking at that route.


World class procrastinator
Weird ride tonight. I have ignored my bike since Sunday as I have been feeling a bit rough and just have not been able to motivate myself to ride
Anyway, I rode away from Wymondham to Wattlefield and then cut back across to Ashwellthorpe where I started to feel human again as that first 20 minutes or so were horrendous and it was all I could do to keep a speed of 12mph going even though I stayed in little ring as I was feeling crap. My legs decided at Ashwellthorpe that they actually felt OK so I headed right instead of left to home and rode through Ashwellthorpe and then left to Wreningham and then left again at the village centre and home that way.
There was a lot of farm traffic on Silfield Road so I whipped across down Verdons Lane to come in the back way to home and came across a lot of people standing around a Landy. Their wee brown JRT ran at me so I yelled "STOP", and it did!:eek: I was impressed anyway. I was only riding at about 9mph as the bend is 90 degrees and a bit gravelly. Good job too.

I got in to find that my dogs have got my bag off the kitchen worktop and ripped it to shreds. My new Stephen Gaukroger book is dead and ripped to shreds and my Bible is in tatters. I am not happy. They tore my wallet apart but I have stuck the notes back together again. I then discovered that MMR didn't record the route :banghead: If I wasn't at home I would want to go there :cry:

Anyway. 11.74 miles. 50:37 with 102 feet of climbing (if you can call 102 feet actually climbing) and it wasn't too bad.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
18 miles of mountain biking for me today. :eek:
.........................The salient details can be summarised as follows:
This is for expert riders only.
It is strongly recommended you wear full body armour.
Do not ride beyond your abilities.

In my defence I did have a helmet.......on :whistle:
Helmet, Pfffft! Man up you big girl :training:

A bit more blasting albeit slightly squelchy was had and I realised it was time to get back to the main centre. ......Two days and Twenty minutes later two roadside maps inspected and four strangers approached for directions I made it back. My son seemed to have enjoyed making shelters and learning how to light fires, so all was good.
How long were you lost for if he had to have shelter and fire to survive? :laugh:

Whilst not being physically demanding like the mountain trails in Wales there are some elements that need a bit of technique and skill. Something I need to work on.^_^
Come out with me, I'll show you how it's done :hyper:. I expect my 10 year old can probably beat you?

I just hope @I like Skol doesn't see this thread :whistle:
Too late! :hello:


Active Member
Well today Geraldine and I managed to cycle round Arran which we are pretty chuffed with. In total we rode 61 miles. We followed some advice on here and tackled the ride clockwise, heading South first, which was quite a bit hillier than we had anticipated. Overall the circuit of Arran had over 8500 feet of climbing - and being that I am rubbish at hills this was pretty hard work. After a very early uphill before we were even warmed up we enjoyed a downhill so much we set off the speed camera which highlighted we were doing 33 in a 30 zone - pretty good going for 2 slow cyclists! The South of the island was lovely, although the series of fairy glen type valleys had some horrendous road surfaces which resulted in us both losing back wheel control on one slowish decent. Thankfully we didn't go down or it could have been the end of the ride. Just after that scary occasion the road was also covered in pretty heavy slurry, meaning that my bike, my trousers, my jacket, my glasses and my face also got a lovely covering too. How pleasant! We had a lovely lunch stop in the golf club at Blackwaterfoot before heading up the coast to Catacol Bay where a lovely deer was keeping everyone entertained on the shore front. Lovely ride to here.

Now we had been warned about the hill out of Lochranza but my goodness, it went on and on and on for a full 8 miles! My Crow Road achievement from Wednesday was a mere bump in comparison to this. Needless to say this resulted in a bit of walking, moaning and swearing. Rest stops with benches were treated like items sent from
Heaven. The hill was made worse by a horrible NE headwind attacking us too. When we got to the top the headwind was even worse but when we finally reached the downhill that was a joyous moment of much celebration!

Then we headed back round the coast to Brodick where we had left 61 miles and many hours previously. So delighted to have completed this ride today. Shows how far my cycling fitness has progressed and was a great last training ride before I head off to tackle the California Cycle Challenge for Kilbryde Hospice from next weekend :-)
Got up early to attend a Sportive, started well and was enjoying the ride, weather was great. At 21 miles bang, hiss, damn p**cture, stopped and checked only to find the tyre knackered, attempted to put a couple of patches on the inside, no luck and didn't have anything else I could try and sure up the tyre with. The split was like a Merc badge with each of the three splits about 8mm in length. Phoned the emergency number and they dispatched the mechanic, 2 hours later and after helping two others with p**ctures I gave up waiting and phoned the wife to come and collect me. Really gutted as I was really enjoying the ride. The tyre is now in the bin and a new one is waiting to be put on.
I feel your pain kipster:excl:


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.

Today I just got on the bike and went around a regular loop up houghton hill and back through Arundel. I tried to do the strava thing but it didnt save the ride??anyway here is the gps screen shot. Very gusty and some heavy rain but mostly sunny in between. No near misses, and I felt pretty strong all the way around, which is good as i had no breakfast.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Twas the Friday Night Ride to the Coast...and the ride back home.
What a glorious ride it was too. Almost perfect cycling weather and some lovely cycling roads with an even lovlier tailwind to boot. The morning ride home however was a bit harder. Riding solo and battling a bleedin' headwind a lot of the way.

187 miles for the night/day .. Century 98 total and century 22 for the year to date.
I am a little tired after 13 hours of riding :tired:

View attachment 28934

holy christ! you feel EPIC?:bravo::bravo:


Random Resident
Had a great ride this morning , decided to get off the road and go round the local hills .
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