nearly didnt go - decided to pump tyres up, 1 bike fell over pulling valve thingy out, so took wheel off BSO and changed it (funny BSO had quick release but more expensive bike not)
2. took ages to sort out the brake as it just would not do up;
3 saddle was skewwiff so sorted out
thought alls good, went indoors to wash hands, then hassle to get out of front door without dogs getting out
wheeled bike out of front garden - got on bike chain off front cogs
off bike put chain back on
indoors to wash hands again and another fight to get back out of the door
got on bike - chain off the back cog and caught between cog and wheel
off bike to sort out chain again
handles dirty and oily, thought b*gger it
got on bike and off i set, wondering if something was trying to tell me to stay at home !!!!!
Managed nearly 3 hours without any mishaps, but running out of places to go xx
Oh And it HOT