Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
@Rickshaw Phil you seem not to have found your ideal saddle yet.
What did you do your 100 miles on? Did that one stop being comfy too?
I did the 100 miles on a Brooks B17, but just recently I've been finding it hard to get comfy and was getting a bit fed up about it. Getting back on it after this Specialized one it felt like luxury though, so perhaps I'll persevere.:thumbsup:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I did the 100 miles on a Brooks B17, but just recently I've been finding it hard to get comfy and was getting a bit fed up about it. Getting back on it after this Specialized one it felt like luxury though, so perhaps I'll persevere.:thumbsup:
Do you think it could have something to do with the hot weather? Maybe it's my imagination, I feel this heat has brought on chafing where none before existed.
Would have thought that a Brooks, being real leather, was the best thing. Then again, try sitting on a leather car seat when the car has been left in the sun. Takes your skin off!


Man or Moose!
Had a few days rest after my last race, having been feeling a bit fatigued toward the end of a run of many races. But tonight I went out to ride the club 10, to keep up appearances, hoover up some points and test myself to see if the few days off had helped or if I was in a deeper hole than I had thought.

I was half expecting a poor turn out due to the weather, but the rain cleared up and the roads were mostly dry so quite a few people turned out including some fast lads. A fair wind was blowing and I was anticipating a hard outward leg then to be blown back at some rather high speeds, but it was an incorrect guess and going out and coming back were pretty even with no real easy bits. However, even though a lot of riders said it was a tough night, I managed to set a new course best with 22:18 (which is 2 seconds faster than my previous best which was set in better conditions and 18 seconds faster than last week on what many claimed was a much quicker night, so I must really have been tired last week). Finishing 1 second behind one of our club's "top trio of testers" was a pleasant surprise too. Likely a fluke as I am nowhere close to his standard as a rider, however I am slowly but surely closing the gap! 4th overall and 2nd place from my club so that's 9 points in the scratch comp!

Will continue only light training this week and hope I can pull a good ride out of the bag this Saturday in an open event on the same course, then back to hard training!

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Phew! That was a close thing. After all the cack picked up on the TPT run to Southport I thought I was going to have to get down and dirty and give the hybrid a thorough clean but thankfully I was mistaken. After attacking the carp with a garden hose it just took a good squirt of GT85 and a bit of chain oil to have everything running as smooth as silk again. Tonight's commute was sublime with the bike feeling faster than ever, perhaps due in part to the TLC it had just received :whistle:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Do you think it could have something to do with the hot weather? Maybe it's my imagination, I feel this heat has brought on chafing where none before existed.
Would have thought that a Brooks, being real leather, was the best thing. Then again, try sitting on a leather car seat when the car has been left in the sun. Takes your skin off!
I think you are right, that it could be due to the warmer weather. It was considerably cooler when I did the century ride and my most recent 50 miler. I've been tinkering with the adjustment a lot lately and may have just been getting it completely wrong, so when I refitted it I set it up as if it were a new saddle.

Thankfully the Brooks isn't like a car seat - doesn't seem to get hot if left in the sun at all.:thumbsup:


Legendary Member
30:45 in the peeing rain this morning up my two nemesis hills. Bloody soaked when I got back so I was.

Why do we do this thing we do?


Legendary Member
My 1st ride for a good 6 weeks or so, due to the heatwave and then injuring my knee playing cricket 10 days ago. I am off to the Lake District on Saturday for 2 weeks, with @Rickshaw Phil, and hoping to do some cycling up there, and so I needed to get out and try the knee out, as it has been ok for the last 3 days.

I took a regular route of mine out to Uffington, Upton Magna, up Haughmond Hill, down Withington Bank and back to Upton Magna, Uffington and into Shrewsbury along the old canal path. It was a nice sunny end to the day, but there was a gusty wind that blew me around at times and created a nasty headwind along some sections.

The knee seemed to cope ok, but I have seriously lost strength in my legs from not going out on the bike for 6 weeks :ohmy:. I think the rides in the Lake District will be gentle bimbles, certainly initially anyway!! I purposely didn't aim for a fast speed, as I didn't want to overdo the knee.

A psychological barrier overcome though, as I was seriously worried last week that I had no chance of getting on a bike on the Holiday.

13.2 miles at avg speed 10.9 mph. Hopefully the knee will be ok in the morning!!


Legendary Member
Do you think it could have something to do with the hot weather? Maybe it's my imagination, I feel this heat has brought on chafing where none before existed.
Would have thought that a Brooks, being real leather, was the best thing. Then again, try sitting on a leather car seat when the car has been left in the sun. Takes your skin off!

Can vouch for that Pat!! I bought a new car last year that has leather seats and my god it was almost impossible to sit on it during the recent heatwave at times!! :eek:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
My 1st ride for a good 6 weeks or so, due to the heatwave and then injuring my knee playing cricket 10 days ago. I am off to the Lake District on Saturday for 2 weeks, with @Rickshaw Phil, and hoping to do some cycling up there, and so I needed to get out and try the knee out, as it has been ok for the last 3 days.

I took a regular route of mine out to Uffington, Upton Magna, up Haughmond Hill, down Withington Bank and back to Upton Magna, Uffington and into Shrewsbury along the old canal path. It was a nice sunny end to the day, but there was a gusty wind that blew me around at times and created a nasty headwind along some sections.

The knee seemed to cope ok, but I have seriously lost strength in my legs from not going out on the bike for 6 weeks :ohmy:. I think the rides in the Lake District will be gentle bimbles, certainly initially anyway!! I purposely didn't aim for a fast speed, as I didn't want to overdo the knee.

A psychological barrier overcome though, as I was seriously worried last week that I had no chance of getting on a bike on the Holiday.

13.2 miles at avg speed 10.9 mph. Hopefully the knee will be ok in the morning!!
I'm glad the knee is getting better.:thumbsup: With your injury and Doug not having done the miles lately I thought I might end up going for rides on my own.:ohmy:

I'll be taking the OS maps so we can plan routes around how far everyone can manage.^_^
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