2 rides again today.

First I needed to head into town so took the trusty knockabout bike. Things were okay until I reached the Porthill area where it absolutely poured down, accompanied by thunder. It came on so quick I didn't have time to get my waterproofs out, so got a wee bit wet.
Heading back another downpour came on but i was ready for it this time and the rain cape kept me cosy.
8.1 miles at a not very swift 11.7mph average.
Looking from Porthill Bridge with the pleasure boat "Sabrina" and a thundery sky in view.
More marquees are going up for the Flower Show. I say marquees, but they're more like portable girder framed buildings these days.
While in town I purchased a Specialized Riva saddle having liked the look of the one that my brother bought, and my second ride later in the day was to test it out on the Raleigh as I suspected a flatter saddle would suit me better than what I've currently got.
I headed out on my Acton Burnell route. The earlier showers had eased but not completely disappeared, so I did get slightly wet, but not as bad as earlier on.
Initial impressions were good but as I went round the ride I got more and more uncomfortable on the saddle until it was pretty unbearable. Me no like!
On the way round I managed to get in the slipstream for a lorry for a while - uphill for nearly a mile at 22 mph.

Unfortunately, I also had a local private hire driver beat the Belgian from yesterday for closest overtake of the year so far.

There is no way he was sticking to the speed limit either.
17.1 uncomfortable miles at 14.5 mph average.
On the way to Condover. Someone is getting wet over there.