Lovely day for escaped lobsterville and headed out. First stop Lidl Portslade...picked up two wireless computers, two sets glasses and some spray cleaner. Then up and over devils dyke and down into poynings and fulking and steyning ..a mere 30 mile ride today as I wanted to hit the headed my place, jumped into the boab
Wetsuit and set off for France. I was swimming for about an hour, first time this year. Got talking to a lady about her tatoos...they were eye catching, and she was happy to explain what each one was about.
Then it was off to Lidl shopping....manager at till said...."thankyou sir....erm...I mean madam" to the woman in front of could have been the last word he uttered on this planet the look.she gave!
Rode back to boabs gaff and stuck Celeste up on the stand and gave her a good lube and rub down...about to hit garden sunbed with a cold coke....ain't summer great!