Last night (Tues) I tried the route that I had ridden on Monday but took the correct turning this time so it was shorter. I didn't want to go too far as I am supposedly tapering for Sunday, but I had had a bit of a day and was feeling very glum. I know that a bit of glumness can turn into depression very quickly so I needed to get my bum in gear and get it before it got me - if you know what I mean.
I kept in little ring and just let my legs spin, which was nice. I didn't see Mr Owl tonight but never mind. I did see a family of young stoats, playing in the road. I thought that they were squirrels for a sec, until I got closer. They stopped playing and looked at me, scampered to the side of the verge and watched my go past. I glanced around after I had passed and they were back playing in the middle of the road. It reminded me of playing tennis down our road when I was a kid. The wee stoats were very cute.
Once round the ride I decided to meet hubby from dialysis and rode off up the Norwich Road where I could see a chap and a small lad on a seat. When the lad saw me he jumped up on the seat and was clapping and waving very excitedly at me. As I passed I waved at him and he was yelling 'allez allez allez' at me and looking really happy. I wondered if he had been there a while to wave at the cyclists with, what looked to be, his Grandad.
A couple of miles on, I overtook the newbie lad on a bike, in the same place that I overtook him on Saturday night. I slowed down as he seemed to be struggling and I noticed that he was in big ring on a very small sprocket. Standing on his (flat) pedals to try to get up the hill. Its not much of a hill but he was really working hard and moving very slowly. I said 'hi' and suggested changing down but apparently low gears are for 'queers and girls', so that's me told then. I said 'nice bike' and left him to it, zipping off up the hill in small ring and on a sensible sprocket like a girl (or a queer). OH Lordy Lord, I am a girl!!! Where did those boobs come from. Oh, hold on, I've had them since I hit puberty. Panic over. As you were. Onwards.
I got to the hospital about 10 minutes before Hubby came out so sheltered between the double doors with my bike. A doctor chap came along for change, I though that he was going to tell me off but he asked if it was chilly out. I said that it was now that I had stopped riding. Then the change machine broke and ate his fiver. It all happens at the N&N!
14.56 miles in the end at a steady average of 15.2mph so I was happy. I meant to do a steady 12mph so not sure what happened. My legs are not stiff this morning at all and I felt great during and after. I really will have a little 5 miler tonight. Might do that little route on the MTBs as that is easy peasy and lots of fun too.