Old Plodder
Living at the top of a steep 2 mile climb
- Location
- Surrey/Hants border
Enjoy your w/e gavgav, thanks for the laugh (Capri owner).
I had possibly one of my favourite moments since I began cycling, when arriving at the T-Junction in Upton Magna. A hoon in a Capri (Yuck!!) cut the corner, almost wiping me out and obviously took exception to my glare and shout, so floored it with a screech of tyres and noise and then there was an almighty clang and bang and he coasted to a halt!!!I do hope it is an expensive repair that is needed
45 miles this morning..16.8 ave mph ...windy...(isn't it always)...two near misses, both numpties over taking me over double white lines on hill tops and cutting me up to avoid head on smashes...apart from these two morons most of the other numpties behaved reasonably well.
lovely run down bury hill (20%) which made a nice change to grinding up it.
niggling back ache arrived after 35 miles...managed to get all the way back to my road before being called prick by driver of open topped bmw coming at me on wrong side of road...quality town this...cant wait to move out.