Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Sunny and a balmy 3 C this morning, so out for a circular route with a few cobbles thrown in for good measure

The road up to Stirling Castle
It was forecast dry and sunny, so you've guessed it we got cold and wet for our ride today. I made the faux pa (or whatever they say) of not wearing overshoes and wore Sealskinz instead and by Oundle'ish I was soaked and I was seriously flagging , how on earth I was the 6th fastest on the Oundle - Folksworth segment is beyond me :wacko: Sod law after I got out of the hot shower the sky turned blue!
It was forecast dry and sunny, so you've guessed it we got cold and wet for our ride today. I made the faux pa (or whatever they say) of not wearing overshoes and wore Sealskinz instead and by Oundle'ish I was soaked and I was seriously flagging , how on earth I was the 6th fastest on the Oundle - Folksworth segment is beyond me :wacko: Sod law after I got out of the hot shower the sky turned blue!
I thought you were a Fifer


Didn't fancy anything too extensive so had a look on Google Maps and found a location nearish to me called Windmill Hill. Sounded like it might have a nice view or two. Picked out a route and bobbed off on my hardtail to have a look. Wound up bombing through woodland trails (blue route style) and hopping down a few flights of steps, all good, then a return trip along the Bridgewater and Ship Canals. 23 miles done in the end and got a half dozen or so cracking pics.

My quads are hurting now though. 105 miles in 3 days is enough for me so time for a rest!



Stopped off at lbs to get them to have a look at my gears, it appeared the rear hanger was bent and had been since I got the bike so off he toddled to replace it.

3 hours later admitted he couldn't getting off as he'd stripped the head on the screw and the drill wasn't powerful enough to drill it out!

Still, at least I go a lift home, a promise to drop it off when fixed next week, and loads of coffee while I waited.

Did bugger up my planned ride to Southend though


The Glue that binds us together.
33 mile windy ride around Epping this morning, the sun was out so it was not that cold, but that wind on the open country roads had us peddling down hill, felt like we had done 60 miles rather than 33.^_^

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Dry in Holbrooks when I left at about half eight, started raining coming through Baginton, by the time I got to Cubbington it was p****** down, at that point I abandoned the ride and ran for home, arrived home looking like a drowned rat with twenty five miles on very disappointed, the original destination was Welbourne and I was expecting to do about fifty five-sixty miles, now at home with tea, toast and home made cake warming back up . :hungry:
I've become a fair weather cyclist after yesterday's cold soaking, so no ride for me so far. Got up to a flat tyre this morning pumped it up, got cycling kit on, etc waited half an hour to see if it was flat again, no, here we go. Got as far as the car park, turned back I didn't fancy another soaking.
I had thought I'd head out when it got lighter (the forecast was it would), no, its got heavier, I think I'm going to watch the football instead!
I've a feeling by the time it stops raining, it'll be dark flooded roads and I don't really fancy it either.


Yesterday's cycle was cool, sunny and dry. A glorious day for a club run. Today out with a few friends it was wet, cold and windy.We even got hailstones for 5-10 minutes. I love our temperate climate:banghead:
Dukes Pass circuit, anti-clockwise (i.e. the easy way) 4 C but dry-ish, and saw me pass the 10k kilometre mark for the year too. Not too many others out though.
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