Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Active Member
After last nights abort due to puncture replaced tube and readied for another go! Heard loud hissing noise and same again. Must need a new band or whatever you call it. Son decided to rest today after rugby training and kindly offered his new carbon bike. Lowered seat and set off. Twenty minutes in iPhone popped out of its holder and bounced down the road. Remarkably it still worked so stuff it in back pocket and continue. Bike felt fast but I put it down to some sort of placebo effect. Fifty miles later I download to Strava. Jeez, 18.7mph average! Previous best for same route 16.5. I'm elated yet a little depressed because I now want a new bike.


Internet Marketing bod
Didnt manage to get 50 yards before a ruck with a taxi driver :laugh:
Road narrows with a traffic calming island, my priority, i'm nearly all the way through, he puts his nose right into my side of the road and blocks the exit....he thought he was in the right :laugh:..i said, what, your cars bigger than me so you've got right of way ?....a good deal of bad tempered swearing between us, i wouldnt back down, a passerby told the driver he was in the wrong and he grudgingly backed up ...a good start, but it wont spoil my day.
Out of Peterborough, Alwalton, Elton, Wansford, Kings Cliffe, Woodnewton, back to Nassington and Elton and back home.
One dead Tawny Owl at the top of Elton was quiet out there.

Oh, and a pigeon sh@t on me as i rolled up to my back gate :laugh:
So, 27 miles at 17.3 mph, solo ride.

Lovely route, although I swear I'd never been tooted by a car until I cycled around Peterborough!


Legendary Member
I did a spirited 30 milers today at an avereage of 16.8, no bad for an old bloke, the enemy did the 70 mile OXBUCKS sportive, which I could not do because I had to work this afternoon.


The Glue that binds us together.
6 of us left the shop at 7-30 this morning, nice 33 mile ride around Epping, the other halfs second time up Mott street, she say's it felt easier this week, and she was faster so that's good, the rest of the ride not to hard, all enjoyed it and no one had any probs. ^_^


As long as I breathe, I attack.
69 mile club run into the Asbourne area, the ride leader knows where all the "fun" and killer climbs are and i went into the red up one single track country lane that just went on forever.Got to the top 1st though :rolleyes:
Coming home i bonked big timeabout 4 miles from home and got cramps in my hip flexors and quads every time i had to apply power, i put this down to bad feuling as the night before SWMBO did home made KFC stylee chicken + chips and in the morning i only had time for a bowl of cereal what with the kids etc .


Legendary Member
Just a quick 14 mile run round south Northants. A lot of WWWs out but most going the other way.

However, did spot one WWW about 1/2 mile behind really giving it a good go. I backed off a touch, let him slowly reel me in, and one he was about 100 feet being I gave it the beans to keep him at that distance, frantically trying to find more so he could scalp me. After a bit I tired of this, so let him get a bit closer to get his hopes up again, then I turned right and left him too it.

I've yet to meet a WWW yet who could keep with me. Must be those brightly coloured tops advertising products which they probably don't use, and certainly don't get paid to promote.


A lot of WWWs out but most going the other way.
Excuse my ignorance, but what's a 'WWW'?

Oh, and I went out for a 40 miler with some friends, nothing really planned... just sort of cycled down the road.
Going back home though, facing very strong head winds along the coast slowed me right down, got to the point where it was too strong to continue (wobbling and being blown all over the place) and so had to turn off.


Legendary Member
Sorry Octet, WWW = Weekend Weight Weenie.


Oaf on a Bike
Since my nephews started enjoying his cycling, im not really getting to go out for fast rides on my own although he's getting faster himself :smile: Friday we went for a 7 mile ride around a local lake, Saturday we went for a 14 mile ride around riverside and lakes.

Today I woke up to find someone had taken 3 of my trail segment KOMs on Strava, so I went to try the 2 nearest and got one of them but had to give up on the other because of walkers, then went out later and got the other two back, so all happy then got home to find someone had taken another segment elsewhere off me :crazy: Its silly, but I love how it gives me a reason to get out and ride, and its kinda fun trying to be quicker than before.


Up early this morning for a nice ride to Weymouth to meet Mrs C for coffee after she finished work. Timed it just right as it started to rain just after I got back. Went out later on to tesco with 12 year old in tow as I'm trying to get her out on the bike more.

Deleted member 1258

No drama's on today's ride , a second visit to the Waseley Hills Country Park, I didn't even get lost on the way back, slow into a head wind most of the way out, but flying along with a tail wind a lot of the time on the way back, very lumpy around Rubery, but an excellent Sunday mornings cycling.


Powered by caffeine & whisky
112 mile ride with a mate through Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire. Stopped for lunch at Waterperry Gardens and then for coffee and cake in Tring. Got back home knackered, and starving. A take-away curry and a kip on the sofa soon sorted that out.
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