Right, now I can post a bit more about Sunday's ride.
Firstly, Alldapies' pals from Acme Wheelers are a top bunch of lads(and lass!) - I was a bit nervous about going on a 'proper' club ride when Lards first suggested it. What if they are all dead serious roadies and see me for the soft country boy on a posh bike that I know myself to be?
I need not have worried. After five minutes (literally) in their company I bunny hopped a small pothole I couldn't swerve round, to be rewarded with a cacophany of ''OOOOHHH! Are you in the circus?'' ''I wish I could do that''. ''You should be on telly, doing that, you should''. Ah. So that's all right then.
The conversation remained in that vein for the next four hours, with the target of all the banter being the quickest riders in the bunch - and poor Alldapies who copped an enormous amount of (unjustified) abuse for the less than perfect weather and for forgetting his arm warmers and overshoes - again! Goosepimples are soooooo last year, darling.....
Thankyou for a thoroughly enjoyable day, 'Pies and Acme Wheelers.
The route of Cimla Hill, Bwlch and Rhigos takes in 3 of the 4 major climbs of the Dragon Ride and normally offer stunning views, leg burning climbs and furious descents. Well, two out of three ain't bad. I'm not sure which is worse, being able to see how far you have to go to get over the mountain - or riding up a mountain being unable to see a damn thing, not even the bike 20m in front.
Fitness-wise I was okay on Cimla and Bwlch, but Rhigos hurt - no doubt a result of my enforced rest and subsequently interrupted training. Grateful thanks to Lards for pacing me up. There is a certain style to turning a 34/21 like it's no effort at all when the guy you're pacing is on the rivet turning a 34/27! ''No, I'm not taking my jacket off, I'll be cold.''