OK - where was I? Oh yes...on my way to London, Camberwick Green, to meet a load of
muppets, er...puppets. No, not really. It was a chance to meet Andy Allsopp once again, following his successful publishing debut. But he wasn't allowed out to play.

I had set off a bit earlier and trailed around the North of the Capital, taking a few lumps and bumps of Hampstead and Highgate into the ride, and arrived towards the Friday Night crack den that is Wellington Arch, via a Hyde Park cyclepath.
As I approached, I couldn't resist heading towards it - there seemed to be a fair bit of activity and, in the best interests of reporting what goes on, I poked my nose in...

A film shoot was taking place - as you can see by these two actors - 1920s? - 1910's?
There was also a nice blond boy in titfer and longcoat, with a Constable dressed in cape and pointy hat.
Aside: Not many people know this but. The Arch used to house the second smallest police station in London apparently. The other half of the Arch is a vent for the London Underground.
Back to the script: "OK, everyone ready - let's TAKE!" (something like that) Actors moved, the scene unravelled, the sun glistened when Lo!
The CTC Trust Director breezed through the scene looking for dissidents. Oh well - it was time to move on anyway. And the blond boy in the longcoat and titfer was very fair of face, nay rosy clean. Which made my bike look like a bit of a disaster in comparison.
Out and away to Sarf Lundun. Round the Oval. Past Squares numerous until I saw Mark, Ian and Clive waiting at Camberwick Green.
They were ready to roll!
That last bit is a lie by the way. Although they all look roughly like that. The peloton was disappearing North, typically as I was revving Southwards. I turned around before I reached the sound of gunshots and met up with long time no see 'Mr Tea' dr1nka, Dom, which was very acceptable. All the 'old crocks' were there, Dave, Clive - who I had not met before but seen one or two pics, - he looked fairly elderly, Mark - still with the leftovers of his pre-interview session on the sunbed + probably a hangover. The usual bundle - with tdr1nka looking suspiciously like a proper cyclist, complete with a retina-buster rear light blinking wildly from his butt zone as we traversed the Thames.
Group photo at The Arch - done that in a previous post so
topcat therapy pose for that right wrist.
And then we did a 'minnie mouse' (going mildly in the wrong direction) and met up just in time for me to say goodbye as I was too scared to venture South of the river again.
I returned via Trafalgar Square - the splendid chiaroscuro attracting me.
The guy at the top of the column was an early cyclist. He didn't go very far because he had an awful gear horatio...
Ideally, I would have cycled into a totally trustworthy and secure zone, left my bike and wandered around The Nat. Portrait Gallery for an hour. But life's not like that and I took in a bit more of Charing cross Road before Camden Lock beckoned.
Sundays see this place throbbing with people buying the most humungeous tat imaginable - but everyone seemed happy in the sunshine. I was well toasted by now, and it was nice to climb up Haverstock Hill and refocus on actually doing a bit of work on the bike!
Making my way into the countryside that borders Staples Corner and the M1, I did see a snake, wriggling - just to my right and I stopped to capture the moment. It is unusual to see things so openly as they are usually lying out of sight of the public...
And with that, I climbed the Everest of the Roman Road that is the A5 and wished 'Good Day' to Wembley
(The Welsh Harp is the water to the left) and onwards to points North West.
The sun. It feels good!
Nice to meet you all - if only briefly. Well done Grace - it wasn't tough was it!
(Just seen your post Clive - Canon Ixus 120IS - in a 'Crumpler' bag which is perfect - Pay me money and I'll make you look younger
