So the Cycle Chat Bromley massive were out in force today, well four of us anyway. -1 when I left home to meet ilovebikes at the A21 RAB, he wasn't there, so off to his house, phone call, couple of minutes was the reply.. he was late, he's a student, that's part of student life. So off down the A21 to meet Arallsopp at the Dripping Tap.. he was there, Mista Preston wasn't... that's ok as Mista Preston is always late ;-).... 5 minutes the Massive was in full effect and we were off. Along the A21 towards London. Through Bromley, Lewisham, Deptford, New Cross, Peckham, Camberwell, Oval, Vauxhall Bridge.. on to Victoria then on to Hyde Park Corner where one of London's finest black cab drivers took great offence at having a couple of bikes in front of him, so out spurted forth some of the finest Anglo Saxon colloquialisms.. er... Knobber Cabbie. Anyway, once again we were dissapointed to be at Hyde Park Corner and not see any FNRttC'ers.. lightweights.
So off down the Mall to Buckingham Palace.. Kodak moment of the handover of the signed Cycle Chat Jersey.. Who to take the pic? Let's ask a tourist. Hey you pretty girl and your two friends! can you take a pic please.. of course was they reply. Except they thought we wanted to take pics of them... nope, of us please bemused young ladies, here's the camera, point at us and shoot..
Mista Preston, Arallsopp, My good self and ILovebikes.
The reason those 3 lovely young ladies thought we wanted their picture? They were being followed around by a film crew filming their every move...
We deduced that they must have been some Eastern European popstars being filmed for an Eastern European MTV style programme... Sorry we didn't recognise who you were...should make a nice tv clip though..
So on down the Mall towards Horseguards... Arallsopp and Ilovebikes decided to put the pedal to the metal..At 30mph they were subsequently stopped and lectured for speeding on the Mall by one of London's finest Mounted Constabulary.. woops.. Though Arallsopp couple have easy scooted under and between the legs of the horse and would have been away. Got a text... from Mista Preston... "Will Be A Little Late"...
Stopped and watched the Changing of the Guard ..
Thought we should join the procession.
So on to home, Trafalger Square, Westminster, onto and over Tower Bridge, Rotherhithe, Surrey Quays, Deptford, lewisham, Catford, Bromley and on to Arallsopp's where the very lovely and welcoming Mrs Arallsopp had a nice hot Beef Stew waiting... perfect.
40 Miles of the day.. See you next Sunday..