Friday Night Ride to the Coast - Mercea Edition ( Well for me anyway)
Well, rain stopping at midnight? Is that right? Is it bowlacks. I got the train up to that there Londinium to meet up at HPC with which ever hardy souls had decided that they would make the effort to do this ride despite the reported precipitation. Please, Please, Please if you decide not to do the ride then at least give Simon a courtesy call or text. It doesn't take a second and it's just good manners.
There was 10 of us hardy souls at HPC, sheltering from the drizzle, Myself, Glorious Ride Leader Simon and his Beau Belle, Agent Hilda, Mary of the Squeaking brakes, StuartG, Adrian, Charlie, Greg, Julie and renewed of cycling vim and vigour User13710 Jenny .
We could wait no longer and 'We're on our way' heading into mild temperature's and warm wind and rain. Words were discussed as to when the rian would stop, 1am, 2am...We did the usual ride out of London, as always looking wonderful even in the drizzle.
The usual suspects were dispatched without even touching the sides, Aldgate, Stratford, Ilford, Romford and the climb up to Brentwood. The constant rain keeping the roads and pavements free of the fascinating wildlife that we usually see on drier friday nights.
Once at Brentwood, rain still falling, Simon thought out loud as to divert via Billericay rather then the Stock ford option due to the rain. By now the rain had just turned into very light drizzle. The rain had been getting us all down I think, the ride chatter was rather muted but soon reverted back to non stop chatty nonsensical's as the rain finally stopped. 3AM you miserable weather reporting sites.. 3AM. AT LAST.. A DRY RIDE! and the temperatures were very mild.
So Stock.. the place with a windmill that martint235 never sees and a ford. No riding through the ford StuAff style this time... and no walking the side bridge either. No...the water had overspilled on to that and the following path and the following road. We had to walk... no sorry wade through. Greg bravely went first. OK, the water was near his knees, we were all going to have to follow his lead.
I was wearing sealskinz socks, they work for me, they don't for others. They keep the wet out.. and they fill up with water when fully submerged. I felt the cold trickle of flood water entering the socks as I waded through.. yeauch......once the flood water had been traversed I had to stop to whip the socks off and empty of water like an upturned welly boot. A good squeeze and a bit for a whirly whirl (Adrian 'stop that please Ian'), and they were good to go.
A quick stop for 2 bites of a sandwich and a wazz and were were in and out of Tesco's Maldon before you could even blink. We got this far with only one puncture, which for a rain sodden night was good going in my book.
But some people are more unlucky then others with one of our number having 2 punctures, in quick succession. Both tubes used up, Adrian saved the day with a spare tube (pre-talk'ed & mighty of course)
By now, 7 of the riders had moved on at a very quick pace to get the the first ferry (did I mention User13710's renewed cycling mojo? It was great to see and I wasn't the only person to notice).
The three of us moved at a furious pace to try catch up. The rolling roads of EAst Essex and Mercea Island make for such wonderful cycling.... and the sun was rising. It was going to be a beautiful morning.
We got to Mercea Island's ferry point just as we could see the ferry (with cyclists) crossing the Colne to Brightlingsea. The sun rising over the river made for such a beautiful and stunning sunrise.
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I padlocked my bike up (I was turning back for home here) and with Charlie and Adrian traversed over dyke, down stairs and along the beach to the ferry point.
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It was very easy to see were we had to meet the ferry, even with my limited bush tracking skills.
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We reached the point just as the ferry was docking for it's second trip of the morning. With hearty handshakes and a fruit bar thrust into my hand I said good bye to my cycling companions for the last 12 miles of the journey. Feeling a little sad not being able to say cheerio to the advance party beforehand and not joining themfor the rest of the ride either, but I wanted to get back in time for Jnr's football practice.
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I sat down on a sand dune and watched them cross the river. Taking in the lovely views, the stunning morning sunshine and the sounds of the estuary birds chatter
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Once the boat was out of view I returned to my bike and headed west into a naughty headwind. Retracing the ride back to Maldon where I popped into Macdonald's for a coffee and a bacon roll. Dozing off, my head dropping and lifting like a car's backshelf nodding dog. One too many chin/chest interfaces forced me to get moving and back on the road. That naughty little climb out of Maldon helped get the blood pumping and a nice dash along A roads to Tolleshunt mean I was making good time. By now the beatiful day was complete, with blue sky and a warming sun. With the headwind I didn't push it too hard just pootling along taking in all the country views. Soon getting jolted back to reality once hitting the concrete mess of Okenden and beyond, knowing that Dartford Crossing was not far away. I didn't have to wait long for the crossing and was soon back in Orpington managing to catch the last half hour of jnr's football practice.
I'm filthy and my bike is filthy. I am tired and my leg's ache, i managed 131 miles for the ride. But by golly, it was a great ride, rain and all. Thank you as always dellzeqq and thank you all those that did the ride. Even though I didn't do the whole ride, this one is one of the best.
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