Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Heading out with @Rickshaw Phil on my replacement British Heart Foudation 50 mile ride today. It's around South and East Shropshire and seems to have a fair bit of climbing involved!! In fact when google street viewing some of the junctions last night I saw a 20% climb at one point.......:surrender:. Should be fun though ^_^
best wishes and hope it is a touch cooler for you tomorrow... (though i have yet to look at the forecast)...


About time I caught up on my holiday rides :smile:

I only got 2 more in.

Living dangerously and leaving the helmet behind, I donned my new cycling cap and wandered up the coast from Alnmouth along the Route 1 coastal path just to see what it was like. All I'll say is that I was glad I brought the CX bike with it's off-road capable tyres. A track that I'd usually only take an MTB down, the CX managed just fine. I still took the road route to get back though, passing RAF Boulmer on the way and pushing it on a bit. Lovely warm evening that was.

Cycling caps are brilliant! Why have I not bought one earlier?

The last was another ride out to Warkworth Castle with my brother, his wife and my 5 year old nephew. Little Samuel did brilliantly, tackling the path (now tarmaced) with gusto, but had a crash when he slipped off the edge. After a little TLC, he was soon off and running again and flew over the gravel section at the end without batting an eyelid. After that he followed instructions on a short road section and nearly climbed the last hill to the Castle in one go. Cue proud Mummy and Daddy. :smile:

After the castle visit, I went off to amuse myself for a bit while the rest went to the beach, so I ambled around Amble harbour and then went a bit further south where I came across an ice-cream farm :biggrin: It would be rude not to see what it was like, (yummy) then wandered back to Warkworth and rode back with bro and Samuel for a total of 25 miles.

That was a damn nice holiday :sun:


Middle Earth
I took a 10 mile ride this afternoon on Arabella.
She's almost set-up the way I want her but I do have to replace that god-awful seat!
I noticed today as well, that the bar grips aren't adjustable and they are hurting my wrists, so those are getting replaced too!

It was uneventful, very pleasant with one notable moment....
Cemetery hill...I go straight's longer but a little less of an incline, whereas my lad goes up another way, which is a bit shorter but steeper.
He is always at the top before me, not by much, but I see him waiting for me.

Today I was there just before him!
Must be the thinner tyres :smile:


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Early ride to work this morning usual route but took my MTB so that I could enjoy some off roading through Leigh Woods on the way home. Went via Henbury Church & Kingweston House with its impressive views over Avonmouth Docks ! :ohmy:
The journey home was via the Pill - Ashton track branching off to include a quick blast round Leigh Woods ( the climb up from the river was a little warm at midday, thankfully there was some shade.
Across the Clifton Suspension Bridge & down Constitution Hill to the busy Harbourside, before joining up with the Bristol - Bath cycle track for the journey home :thumbsup:
2014-07-25 05.09.00.jpg

2014-07-25 05.18.38-1.jpg

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2014-07-25 12.37.35.jpg


As I didn't go yesterday I've been out for my longest ride on my own. I managed to do 20.2 miles. I thought I had clocked up 100 miles this week. So tomorrow I will need to do just 7.2 miles to notch up the 100. I will take steady as Sunday is the 2nd ride with the KCC.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
As I didn't go yesterday I've been out for my longest ride on my own. I managed to do 20.2 miles. I thought I had clocked up 100 miles this week. So tomorrow I will need to do just 7.2 miles to notch up the 100. I will take steady as Sunday is the 2nd ride with the KCC.
Well done. Good idea to take it steady ... youv'e been really going at it lately. It's a marathon. not a sprint. Hope to meet up on Sunday. Mrs Donger and I took a drive around the labyrynth that is Kingsway this evening to find Tesco Express. Think I can just about remember my way there, so I'll be along for the ride on Sunday as long as it's not raining stair rods.


Legendary Member
Today was the day that @Rickshaw Phil, his brother Doug and I headed out on my replacement 50 Mile charity ride, in aid of the British Heart Foundation, due to me missing out on the Worcester event, following my Mum passing away. The reason we did it for BHF was that I was treated for a Heart condition called Mahaim Fiber Tachycardia in 2011.

Phil and Doug picked me up at 09:00, we loaded the bikes onto the roof rack and took them over to Dad's house, south of Shrewsbury. It was already feeling warm in the brilliant :sun:and so plenty of water bottles were filled and after a quick chat with Dad we set off in the direction of Ryton.

Ready to Start

Good progress was made down to Longnor and then we began the first big climb of the day up to Cardington, where refreshment from the water bottles and lunchboxes was sought already.

Doug prepares for the strong Sun at the top of the climb

From there we took the road to Plaish, and I always enjoy looking at the stunning Plaish Hall.


We dropped down the lovely section to Church Preen and then turned onto new territory in Hughley, where we began the second big climb of the day, up Wenlock Edge to Presthope. It was hard going up there, but wound my way up and waited at the top for Phil and Doug, who caught me up soon after. I hasten to add that Phil had dropped back to make sure Doug was ok, otherwise he would have flown up!!:blush:

No danger of Ice in this weather!!

From Presthope we dropped down nice lanes into Bourton. This was a poignant moment for me, as Mum grew up in the village, living there until she married Dad in 1973. We paused to take a few photo's and it was a nice moment, with a tinge of sadness as well.

Me in Bourton (and either Phil or Doug's thumb :laugh:)

There was more nice cruising down to Monkhopton, but here we began the biggest climb of the day and boy did it hurt. A 20% climb up for about a mile and I was glad to reach the top for a rest :wahhey:. It was getting very hot now, in the midday sun as well.

The view from the bottom of the climb at Monkhopton

You're taking us up there!!!

There was a bit more climbing, but then some nice flat ground across the top, near to Upton Cressett and I was pressing on quite nicely up here, only realising after a while that Phil and Doug seemed to have disappeared behind me :ohmy:. I waited at the next junction and they appeared within a couple of minutes, but Doug looked to be struggling quite a bit and was suffering with his Stomach, which was worrying at only 20 miles into the ride.

View from near Upton Cressett

No more ride photo's from me i'm afraid, as my Iphone battery was struggling to cope with the pictures and Strava already! useless thing it is!

We pressed on though and rode what I think was the best mile of cycling I have ever had. There was a superb straight downhill section where I reached 37mph and also a Buzzard took off from the side of the road just and soared at head height for a good 20 seconds in front of me, before swooping off to sit on top of a Telegraph pole :thumbsup:Simply amazing!!

We then joined NCN Route 45 and dropped down through Oldbury Wells into Bridgnorth, where we stopped at the Severn Valley Railway Station for Doug to buy some water, as we wondered if it was the Orange Squash he was drinking that was upsetting his Stomach. We had originally thought of lunch by the River in Bridgnorth, but we were all rather peckish and so decided to sit on one of the benches at the station and munch away instead. We had a chat to a couple who had cycled from Ironbridge, along the same route we were planning to head and they mentioned it was a bit rough in places..............:unsure:

We were back rolling again and were looking to continue on the 45, but it isn't particularly well signed as you head down by the river and so a quick detour/wrong turn by me added a couple of hundred yards, before we decided it was actually a case of cycling across a playing field and then down the off road track, which used to be the Severn Valley Railway continuation. It was nice to be away from traffic, but in places it was very rough and uncomfortable!! The couple were right :thumbsup:

We had a brief moment, when Phil stopped to take a photo and the next thing I see is Phil hopping around and his shoes being kicked off. He had been stood in a BIG Ants nest and they had decided to join him for a ride!! :eek: He avoided being stung and we pressed on along the track to Coalport and then Jackfield, where thankfully we rejoined the road again, all be it through some major roadworks where the road has been slipping down the hillside in the Gorge.

We arrived at Ironbridge and decided it was time for a pint, especially when I saw that the Real Ale list at the Tontine Hotel contained 3 of my favourite beers!:tongue: I opted for Shropshire Gold and we had a nice pint in the glorious hot sunshine. We were joined by another cyclist, who was down from Stafford. He was a really nice chap and we had a good chat about our routes and his recent trip to watch the 3 UK stages of the TDF. Hello if you are on here by any chance?

Next was the trip out of Ironbridge, to Buildwas and Leighton, where there is another brute of a climb, but some nice downhill as well, and onto Cressage, where a couple of cars/van behind us seemed to miss about 3 places to pass us on the main road, but neglected to take them. As we reached the junction at Cressage for the A458 I heard somebody shout something from behind us. Doug informed me that it was the van driver, but we weren't sure who he was shouting at. I hope it was the car driver who made a meal out of things and not us, as I was not pulling in on a main road for him to pass us!!

We crossed the A458 and began another hard climb up onto Cound Moor. Doug was really struggling now and I reached the T-Junction and waited there for a least 5 minutes, with no sign of Phil or Doug. I started to get a bit worried that they had taken a wrong turn or that something had happened, but they appeared soon, after Phil had been bitten by something and Doug had needed to pause.

Next were lanes to Acton Piggott and Acton Burnell, where we came across a very big lorry that took up the whole road, just after riding through a Ford. From Acton Burnell it was a gentle climb up to Frodesley and then we turned off back in the direction of Ryton, with another final brute of a climb to get up, just before I reached the 50 mile mark for the 1st time ever :wahhey:

We arrived back at Dad's shortly after, very hot and feeling the legs a little bit, but having thoroughly enjoyed one of my best bike rides ever.^_^:heat::thumbsup:

52.5 miles (First half century for Doug and I)
3094 ft of climbing (easily the most I've done)
10.9 mph avg speed
£520 raised for the British Heart Foundation so far (

Made it!!


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Dongle the best way to find it by road is if you come on to the estate by Asda turn left at roundabout then at the lights turn right , then as you get to the top of the road ( after going through the no entry ) look right and you see the local shops with Tesco.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Doug and @gavgav have finally got in the long talked about 50 miler.:bravo:

We started off from Gav's dad's and headed south to start with and over the first climb of the day to Cardington then headed for Plaish and on to Hughley. Beyond here it was new ground for all of us and was the first time Gav and Doug have ridden over Wenlock Edge. It was slow going but they did well on this climb, especially as the day was warming up pretty well by now.

Passing through Bourton the countryside is really nice and in this direction the gradient was in our favour so we were able to press on quite well to the next big climb near Monkhopton. I can find plenty of roads round here with gradient arrows on the map but many of them don't have gradient signs to daunt you as you approach. This was one of the exceptions (20% climb) so we had a drink stop before taking on the hill. It's steep but not long - not too bad really :whistle:. Doug and Gav beg to differ.

Once over this climb the lane levelled out for quite a while before the next descent. As Gav started down the hill he disturbed a buzzard sat at the side of the road which took off and flew in front of him at about handlebar height for 100 yards before swooping off and settling in a tree. One of those occasions we wished one of us had a headcam.

The descent let to our next climb which made us puff a bit, especially Doug who was struggling a bit today due to a stomach problems that had come on during the ride.:sad: He persevered though and enjoyed the next downhill as much as Gav and I did (speeds up in the mid 30s mph)

Arriving in Bridgnorth we headed for the railway station where we had our lunch then carried on through Low Town following NCN route 45. This takes us onto the old trackbed of the Severn Valley Railway towards Ironbridge. This path has been resurfaced since I last rode it earlier in the year but they've used quite a coarse grade of stone which makes the track pretty rough and not very quick to ride on. During a pit stop on the way I was taking photos when I suddenly realised I was standing on an ants nest. Cue hilarity as I dance around throwing off my shoes and flicking ants off my legs.:blush:

As we went along the stops for water became more frequent 'til we reached Ironbridge where we settled at The Tontine for a rest and a beer (cider in Doug's case). This did perk us up so that we made steady progress back. The drivers had all been (mostly) pretty well behaved until Cressage where one chap stayed behind us despite having had a good couple of places to overtake. This was fine as far as we were concerned but wound up WVM behind him who we could hear revving his engine. As we turned off we could hear him screaming and shouting - fortunately far enough away that the words were incomprehensible.:whistle:

Around this point I got bitten by something that had got into my top and Doug started to really struggle on the hills. Gav got well ahead and waited so long for us to catch up he was wondering if we'd turned off without him.

Doug did perk up a bit but we were slow for the rest of the ride, fortunately there weren't many miles to go. Unfortunately there were more hills so it was good to get to Ryton and the last couple of miles. Approaching one of the junctions, Gav suddenly tried to get his top off as something had flown in - it turned out to be a butterfly.:laugh:. (I get the bitey ones & he gets the butterflies :rolleyes:) At this point he noticed that his phone battery had gone flat (charged this morning:huh:) so hadn't recorded the whole route on Strava properly.:headshake:

We took most of the day but that first 50 is under their belts. (Don't tell them, but I've got the route lined up for their first metric century next:secret: ;))

I measured 53.1 miles at 10.9mph. (slightly more on my speedo as I did stop and go back for a photo a couple of times) Doesn't sound especially quick but Doug's Strava reckons on around 3000 feet of climbing so I reckon that isn't too bad.


Into new territory after Hughley. Notice the hill? That's Wenlock Edge and this road climbs over it.


Later on and another hill to climb. This one gets a warning sign though.


Doug makes it over the top.


Watching the trains at Bridgnorth. "Small prairie" 4566 - one of my favourites. (Built 1924 - looking pretty good for a 90 year old)


On route 45 along the old trackbed now. It's great to have about 7 miles of near traffic free riding but the surface was rattling our teeth out (it looks much better in the photo than it actually was). Shortly after taking this pic I discovered the ants nest I was standing on.


A glimpse through the trees of Blandings Castle Apley Hall.


About to cross the famous iron bridge at Ironbridge.


The view over the Severn at Leighton Bends.



Very tired but happy at the end of the trip.:thumbsup:

Edit: I took quite a few pics on the ride so I've created an album here for anyone interested.
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