Just back from my afternoon ride. We rode to the caravan storage place to do the paperwork so Bunty van can live there. We took the most 'direct' route according to the Garmin but not the most direct route according to us. It was a nice ride. The garmin made the 13 mile direct there and back route come to 23.68 miles. I am not sure that I'd trust the gamin to pick the best route to anywhere that I didn't know. I'd be out there forever.
Anyway, the weather was nice-ish. I stopped on the way back to watch a large brown, glossy furred rat cleaning his whiskers and looking appalled at how such a fat woman could squeeze herself into lycra. Then he stopped cleaning his whiskers and looked as if he were appreciating the loveliness of my bike. He then crossed the road, grabbed some wool from the brambles there and came back to my side of the road. Looked at me a bit more and then took his sheep's wool into the hedge. He's probably making a duvet for his kids.
Getting back into Wymondham was interesting. There were cars galore, all parked up and scores of people all milling about at the railway gates. Apparently there is a loco festival going on and 3 wonderfully restored locos are coming to visit our restored track. Its on tomorrow too, the lady was telling me.
I got home, put the kettle on and made a ham and cream cheese & salad sandwich and waited for the OH who I had left some 5 miles previously when he said 'you go on' so I did. Interestingly the whining noise coming from the back of my bike ceased within a couple of hundred yards (we did that joke yesterday didn't we).
23.68 miles in 1:53:20 with climbing of a mahoosive 529 feet. I do live in Norfolk though so that's positively an Alp to us. Not hurrying at all but enjoying the scenery.