The lad decided he would come for a ride today and before we set off, we decided we wanted to break the 20 mile barrier we seem to have got stuck on recently.
It was glorious; warm, blue skies with a few clouds and just the light, occasional breeze.
We set off and got to the Falkirk Wheel. It was here we decided we would head towards Glasgow instead of going up to the top of the wheel and doing the loop back along the towpaths that would take us home. The towpath was much rougher in this direction, so half a mile in I stopped and unlocked the forks, which absorbed the rough bumps and made it more comfortable for me.
We plodded along enjoying the scenery and chatting and we had decided we would stop when my Cateye rolled round to the 16 mile mark, and start the journey homewards.
Plodding onwards... Ploughing back!
A selfie of me and the lad in the sun
We hadn't brought food, so stopped at the Falkirk Wheel on the way back and got sandwiches/drinks, a fat fee yoghurt for me and a choccie biscuit for the lad. Sorted! We sat and ate and then headed up the usual route home.
There was lots of wildlife today; ducks with ducklings, swans and cygnets, and herons.
I felt a little tired setting off again but once the food kicked in I was fine.
We got home and the mileage?
30 miles
That's the longest I've done in one go, and if my butt hadn't been hurting I am sure I could have done a little more!
It's the lads 20th Birthday tomorrow and I've said I'll take him into town on Tuesday to buy him something (I have a card and a small gift here for him for tomorrow). He wants cycling shorts...
I'm so pleased with the mileage
Edited to add, it's his birthday on Monday, not tomorrow....the sun has got to me!