Your day's wildlife

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Dave 123

Legendary Member



Grey wagtail

Little Grebe


Little Egret with lunch

Long tailed tit

The shy Curlews beating a hasty retreat

And bird of the day….. a Firecrest!

Dave 123

Legendary Member



Tomorrow is a birding cruise on the river Exe!

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Well we went on our river Exe bird cruise, and very good it was too. 20 minutes before boarding a heavy fog rolled in…. After 5 minutes on the boat it disappeared.

After 3 hours I was chilled to the bone, hopefully it won’t add to my lurgy.

Birds seen were- shag, cormorant, Brent goose, pintail, teal, mallard,red breasted merganser, shelduck, great northern diver, black tailed godwit, bar tailed godwit, Dublin, sanderling, lapwing, avocet, turnstone,greenshank, redshank golden plover, oystercatcher, little egret, marsh harrier, black headed gull, lesser and greater black backed gull, kingfisher, great crested grebe, mute sea, bar headed goose . I think that’s all…

Conditions were a little dull.












Devotee of OCD
While walking the dog early yesterday (And still in the dark) - two Foxes came out of a side road ahead of me and to my left. Crossed the main road and went under a gap in some metal railings: and into some Tower blocks to my right.

The pair were maybe 40 yards ahead of me. Both in very close proximity to each other. And had I seen them alone - either would have been the biggest Fox I’ve ever seen (And I get to see quite a few round here with my early walking / cycling exploits).

So whether these were two males - or a ‘mating’ pair I can’t tell you. But these literally looked like mini wolves. Stopped me in my tracks and made me look for a millisecond…... 🦊

Dave 123

Legendary Member
The long tailed tits came in mob handed first thing this morning. I think there were around a dozen…





South London
There are a row of trees (about 6 of them) in the local park that have a very distinctive pattern of branches. There are loads of other trees around, but none looking like this. Does anyone recognise what they are as I can't identify them

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