You can't go wrong with god on your side.....can you ??

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I briefly went out with a Mormon lady, about 18 years my senior at the time. It struck me that the more a religion proscribes, forbids and oppresses, the more they seem to want to do these things.
I went out with a JW when we were both sixteen, she definitely wanted to rebel. 😊

Salad Dodger

Legendary Member
Kent Coast
I am an atheist, but I would never seek to argue if anyone in my circle of acquaintances expressed an alternative view about embracing some form of religion. They are entitled to their opinion, just as I am entitled to mine.

When I was in secondary school, all of 50 years ago now, we had an RE teacher who was a young man, and he spoke eloquently about how he had experienced a moment of epiphany, and had become a "born again Christian". I didn't go along with his ideas then, and I don't now, but I respected him for the strength of his conviction in leading the life that he had chosen, even though I didn't follow the same path myself. It was a good "life lesson" in tolerance.....


Just watched the news on BBC and the headlines were related to the Catholic church in France..... a report says that at least 216,000 children were sexually abused since the 1950`s! 216,000!
Taliban chop peoples heads of, in certain middle eastern countries hands chopped off for stealing and in the name of religion!
This kind of thing has gone on for millennia. Religion is and has always been a mean to keep the masses down and to allow the perpetrators free rein to carry out such abuses!
Saying, "thank God for this or that" or, "It is Gods will" is nothing but people who have been brainwashed as children into thinking there will be help! Strangely enough it rarely comes and certainly not from some Angel.
The Catholic church, like other religious groups have riches beyond the imagination of most people.
If I had my way I would have all religions sell all their properties and wealth and build housing for the poor, drug and alcohol centres, hospitals and of course recompense for all the abuses they have been found guilty of.
I did the normal science subject at school
Then dis Maths Physics and Chemistry at 'A' Level
then Chemistry at University - including a high level course of Astrochemistry

and after that helped several people doing Open University Science courses

I knew a lot about how things where detected and measured

SO I thought I kinda knew about science and some space stuff

Then I went of a holiday where I shared a room with someone random. Turned out to be an older bloke who had spent most of his life making high precision tools and equipment

He asked me how far away the nearest star was to Earth
and what about the others

OK - I knew that
OK - he said - how do they know
OK - I knew that

he pounced

HOW do they know - and what it the possible error

It is all based on angles measured from Earth (this is the 1990s - it is more certain nowadays - but no absolute because that is impossible)

and the angles HAVE to have an error

so how far is it

a very quick estimate says it is HUGE

which kinda shows that people know some bits about science - and trust scientists - and the people who check the scientists - that the rest is accurate
i.e. they believe it

so - How deep is the deepest part of the Ocean???

and where is it??

how do you know??

you trust (OK if there is an Ocean Scientist on here with a depth guage - pick something else!!! - how high is Everest??)

you cannot know everything

youhave to look at how many people have looked at this - who has checked it - do the assembled scientific community agree having checked etc etc)

so you believe - because you can see that a huge number of people who can be trusted to check this stuff agee that this is correct

now go back
and imagine that you live on La Palma and that volcano does what it is doing

and you witch doctor says it is because the Gods are are angry because you are not giving enough in sacrifice
(look up
Jesse Duplantis and his view that if you give more MONEY Jesus will return)

and imagine that this is your one and only source of trustworthy information

what can you think

I mean - if Brian Cox says something my wife is seriously inclined to believe him - dunno why - but I don;t think it his Ph.D!!!

Anyway - what I mean is (finally) we cannot know everything we get thrown at us nowadays
we can only try to look at who is saying stuff
and who is repeating this having - hopefully - checked it
and deciding that this is trustworthy - and this is not

so - going back again - and my priest says this is OK - and I should do it
hmmmm - you see where I am going

in ancient times
the chief or witch doctor say THIS IS TRUE then what other choice do you have - if is makes sense - it must be true

nowadays - we have a far too massive amount of information available to us

for example - there is evidence tha ther is a teapot floating in space between the Earth and the Sun - either you know where this goes - or Google it (orr Dudkduckgo it if you are likeme) but ther is evidence

but the volume is huge and a lot of it is rubbish

so we end up with a lot of people getting overwhelmed and going back to trusting the sources they know
which could be Facebook, or Twitter, or Fox News - or their local priest

I mean the Pope seems like a good person

bt this is just how people work - we cannot deal with everything so we find someone to trust

it may be a priest or shamen or Brian Cox

it just depends on what information and education and facts we have available to allow us to make a judgement on who to trust
and how actually trustworthy that person happens to be

if the priest ( of whatever type) wins - sometimes that is good

sometime very not

Yea gods I woffle sometime when I have had a few glasses of wine
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