Old, annoyingly yes, grow up, never! Having been to many countries where religion is, let's call it prevalent and seen the body parts, the hate, the poverty and misery I'd have to say if a deity existed they are a bit of a d*ck. Just my first-hand opinion mind.
Which is humans doing horrible stuff, to other humans in the name of their own personal imaginary friend.
If there
is a higher power, it would seem it's pretty hands off, in terms of human affairs.
It's up to us not to be d*cks, and regulate our own behaviour.
I can see why people have made up stuff about god's who keep a score and will enact retribution, as a form of 'justice' or whatever.
But really it's time we all 'grew up' and owned our own actions as humans isn't it.??
Its a big comfort to a lot of people .
That's fine for them, so long as they're not trying to force it on others.
Its men that do that not God .
Yes and sometimes they justify that behaviour by invoking 'their' god yes.