Although I find it nice, sometimes, to walk into a quiet country church, reflect on one's life, have a dialogue with him/her, and get one's thoughts in line. It helps to make sense of things.
As a scientist, I probably shouldn't believe in God but it's nice occasionally to have some wriggle room in one's beliefs.
Oh for sure.
I have great respect for science, but tis but just another human construct, albeit an honest and honourable one, when done well .
I have a very committed spiritual life and practice, based around understanding, awareness and acceptance.
And practice a kind of detachment from outcomes, that doesn't stop me striving for better.
I've also found that living as
if there is this thing called 'spirit' whether individual or collective, makes for a better, and nicer life all round.
Having a chat with the 'cosmic forces*' whatever they are is a fine thing to do as well..
Bigger picture etc etc
* If we actually
knew, what that was, it would probably bust our tiny little brainiums...
Better get the pizza in >>>>>>