Would this put me over the drink/drive limit?

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The limit in Scotland is lower than the rest of the UK; but it is not zero tolerance. In England the limit is 80 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. In Scotland it is 50.....
The problem being the chances of being caught are slim - but that is venturing into NACA territory.......

Thanks for the correction. The limit is so low it is still safer I think to assume zero tolerance.
This is not the place really but I have some scurrilous stories about traffic police on Loch Lomondside many years ago.


Currently I'm Ireland at the moment. Drove down country road about 10 in the morning a couple of days ago and came across a couple of Garda offices stopping all drivers on the road. Had a very pleasant conversation with one of them as they were looking at my licence. I am sure he was deciding whether I could be over the limit.


Reminds me of a Viz article extolling the virtues of booze as a stress-reliever in tense situations, recommending if I remember rightly two or three pints of strong lager before an important job interview, maybe five or six before a driving test.

I remember a couple of theirs, 'start them off on junior beer,' and the other one was something like, 'a pint and a fight, a really good night!' 😂


Legendary Member
The E&W limit is quite generous, equating to around 5 units consumed by a man of average weight, and back when beer was 3 to 3.5%, that was 2.5 pints. Beer is stronger now,for some unfathomable reason. Measures of spirits are also larger.

The BAC calculator linked above actually tells you how long you must wait to be clear of blood alcohol, not legal.

I would not expect a half of 5% plus a double to take a 13 stone man over the legal limit, but it will impair his driving. It's not a good idea but that wasn't the question.

I'm quite tempted to buy one of those Alcosense devices and experiment at home.


Isn't it funny how DD is still prevalent everywhere really, yet nobody admits to ever doing it. Probably a good thing, as it highlights how totally socially unacceptable it has now become to how it used to be even when I was a boy.

I was in a hotel in Moffat around ten years ago, there was just me on my own and a couple of locals talking to the barman.

They were talking mainly about golf but then the subject changed to an old pub up in the hills somewhere.

'Aye, the breathilyser killed that place,' lamented one of the locals. 😂


I was in a hotel in Moffat around ten years ago, there was just me on my own and a couple of locals talking to the barman.

They were talking mainly about golf but then the subject changed to an old pub up in the hills somewhere.

'Aye, the breathilyser killed that place,' lamented one of the locals. 😂

I've got some horror stories that would make your toes curl from back in the day.

Also, not sure if it was particular to Scotland or not, but you were actively encouraged to drink and drive especially on a Sunday as only travellers could get a drink.
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