Reading between Randochap's lines, he is saying "You will never get it spot on first time", which I agree with.
Visiting a 'Fitting clinic' et al, will be a waste of money, because all the relavent info is on the web and a decent LBS will give advice.
The info that is NOT on the web is the Framebuilder's own secrets.
A 28 year old pro cyclist will have been competing for at least 15 years. Over that time he/she will have grown, and his/her club coach ( and later frame supplier ) will have been adjusting the bike's fit to suit his/her dimensions.
Pros ride at least 100km every day, it is their job. They tweak regularly, but only by a couple of mm at a time. Muscles grow; Bones grow and if a rider has a bad fall, the leg that hits the tarmac will heal to different dimensions than before the fall.
I was a pro skateboarder in the seventies, and the hip which kept hitting the bottom of the pool is considerably more structured than the other hip. When I got fitted for a bike frame in the eighties, my framebuilder noticed this immediately as I stood there in my lycra shorts.
My legs are unequal, but this doesn't stop me riding 300km Audax on an 'Off the peg' Dawes Giro. It is set-up to my framebuilder's secrets and I have no problems. ( The law of Sod is being beckoned ).
Also, when a novice cyclist is adjusting, the bike will feel different after a couple of hours of riding, so after a tweak, go for a 50km circlular and feel how it is. To get your 'perfection' might take weeks. Then, as I have said, your muscles have improved and the bike might need tweaking again.
The 0.883 ( 0.875 ) rule gets close, and then a maximum 2mm at a time tweak thereafter.