Woss and Brand?

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The problem really lies down with the fact that they are both worth an absolute fortune, the same with footballers, and think they are fireproof and above the law.
As said earlier if that was you or I we would be down the 'nick' being processed for court.
I bet nothing will happen to either of them, nothing at all as they wont be sacked, and whats a fine to them anyway?.


Legendary Member
It's the same as countless other scandals throughout media history. They get the ratings and ratings are what it's all about. Therefore BBC executives will be desperately trying to think of ways of hanging on to them.

If you want to hear crass and vulgar broadcasting, just tune into any BBC local radio station at peak times. You'll hear a middle-class male DJ trying to sound streetwise and right-on by adopting a sort of regional accent, cracking poor taste jokes to a sycophantic female accolyte whose job it is to egg him on.


back and brave
I'd loose no sleep if they were sacked. I've never been a fan of Ross; he comes across way too smug and self-satisfied. This latest prank doesn't surprise me one bit and, I'm afraid, I find symptomatic of today's no-respect-take-the-piss kind of attitude that seems to go unchallenged as some kind of ironic humour. It's not ironic, it's selfish egotism; let's all laugh at someone.

I've not really watched, or listened to, Brand sufficiently to know what he's like. I saw him on something for all of a few minutes, found him pointlessly crass before switching off/over. He seems obsessed with his penis and who he'd slept with.


Mr Pig said:
I don't actually know anyone who likes Ross. Why is he such a bit star? It seems to me that people watch his show in spite of him rather than because of him.
Yeah, I don't actually know anyone who actually likes Ross, although plenty watch the programme. He gets the big names, it's sometimes good TV, but his personality is grating.

I think the public has been gradually getting sick of the pair of them for whatever reason - overblown salaries, over-exposure, their apparent egos and too clever by half style of comedy, whatever. Now they've gotten themselves in hot water, people are down on them like a ton of bricks. Otherwise, people might actually be sticking up for their bodge up, but they ain't.

Hope ends up in both getting shunted out the public eye a while and someone else getting a crack of the whip, but what they say about bad publicity...

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
A lot of the comments about Ross and Brand remind me of the the officer running the radio station in 'Good Morning Vietnam'. The one who couldn't stand the Robin William's character and kept saying 'I know comedy and that's not funny'.

Many people here seem to want to hear nothing except the Perry Como or Mantivani of the comedy world. But comedy should be more than that, and I think Brand in particular is really funny. I'll agree that he's a bit of a scatter gun and on this occasion would appear to be well off the mark, but more often he is brilliant.

I would much rather my licence fee was spent on him where his observations come from genuine personal experiences than any number of other middle class 'smart arse', cynical twats who do nothing but knock everything, or even Wogan with his constant whinging about things from the back of his chauffeur driven millionaire's life style.


back and brave
Tim Bennet. said:
Many people here seem to want to hear nothing except the Perry Como or Mantivani of the comedy world. But comedy should be more than that

I don't think anyone is saying that Tim. Comedy can bite, it doesn't have to but it can, but there's a difference comedy with a point, with bite, and just, as you say, cynical knocking. With Ross, I often see the point as being self-promotion or self-aggrandisement. Brand, I don't really know so wouldn't comment beyond saying that on the only occasion I've seen him I found him puerile.

I'm not a fan of Wogan either as it happens. Oddly Ross, to me, seems like a modern version of Wogan! The same self-satisfied delivery.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Tim Bennet. said:
Many people here seem to want to hear nothing except the Perry Como or Mantivani of the comedy world.

I'd differ - Ross and Brand have an unpleasant, slightly bullying style that often seems to me to be a somewhat more mature version of saying "pants" (pretty much a guaranteed laugh with the 5-10 age group, at least for my own children & their circle) or picking on the fat kid. I find Ross' TV show unwatchable, and Brand's cut rent Cap'n Jack Sparrer intensely annoying.

I'd sooner watch Eddie Izzard or Harry Hill, personally.


Regardless of what you think about the 2 individuals and their humour surely this thing has been blown out of all proportion.

Regardless of what was said I find it astounding that Gordon Brown and David Cameron have given comment. I mean it's about some radio show where 2 guys leave a couple of non threatening messages on a ageing actor who 99% of people don't care abouts phone. They didn't threaten him or were aggressive. It was in bad taste but for christ sake!!!

I'm raging at the fact it's getting so much press and the leaders of the 2 main political parties in this country are taking time to talk about it. Surely those 2 have more to be getting on with for crying out loud. This country is in the $hit and they are commenting on 2 TV and radio personalities.

I also think Andrew Sachs should take a look at himself and calm down bearing in mind the upset he's suffered is about his grand-daughter who dances in a burlesque troop called Satanic Sluts.


Smutmaster General
Bodhbh said:
Yeah, I don't actually know anyone who actually likes Ross, although plenty watch the programme.
Er... me ;):smile:
I usually watch his Friday night show, and it frequently has me laughing out loud... I find him quick, intelligent, and his sense of humour (to a certain extent) matches my own. Also his Saturday radio show, though I don't catch that as often (usually out cycling :smile:)
Brand also, can have me laughing away, though I find him very hit and miss, perhaps missing more often than hitting.
Were they out of order on this occasion? yes, of course they were. Not funny, went too far. Should they be sacked? Dunno, taken off the air for a bit, perhaps, as a minimum. Oh, and are they overpaid? Of course they are.


Good post and I agree with you 100%.

Fnaar said:
Er... me ;):smile:
I usually watch his Friday night show, and it frequently has me laughing out loud... I find him quick, intelligent, and his sense of humour (to a certain extent) matches my own. Also his Saturday radio show, though I don't catch that as often (usually out cycling :smile:)
Brand also, can have me laughing away, though I find him very hit and miss, perhaps missing more often than hitting.
Were they out of order on this occasion? yes, of course they were. Not funny, went too far. Should they be sacked? Dunno, taken off the air for a bit, perhaps, as a minimum. Oh, and are they overpaid? Of course they are.


Fnaar said:
Er... me ;):smile:
I usually watch his Friday night show, and it frequently has me laughing out loud... I find him quick, intelligent, and his sense of humour (to a certain extent) matches my own...
Oh well, you either like em or you don't, no problem there! I do find the constant oh err missus innoendo and using the interviees as a straight man to springboard his own jokes really annoying tho.

Greedo said:
Regardless of what you think about the 2 individuals and their humour surely this thing has been blown out of all proportion.
I agree, lot of nonsense over not much. I just think timingwise they've made their gaff at a time when perhaps alot of people would like to see them brought down a peg or two.


Über Member
I like Brand ... he's stuff is funny, but Woss just annoys me when he talks. But I don't think either should be banned, it's just something that's got out of hand.


Just heard the 2 of them have been suspended and their programmes taken off air until further notice.

The world has gone mad!!!
I think I'm missing something. Does anyone actually know how offensive these remarks were that they broadcast? Not being a middle of the road kind of person who likes beige I can't stand radio 2 and never listen to it. ;)

Anyway: my opinions - Woss: an OK chat show host but not as good as parky; Brand: nope, he's completely passed me by but looks like he needs a slap.


Greedo said:
Just heard the 2 of them have been suspended and their programmes taken off air until further notice.

The world has gone mad!!!

What's mad about that? in a job, you do something that was clearly wrong, you get the consequences, which often include suspension. It's not as it they've been imprisoned or killed, is it?
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