The thing that struck me immediately about this issue (I have only skimmed through this thread so am not sure if someone has already made the point) is that I wonder how Jonathan Ross would feel if the boot was on the other foot. What if in a few years time when he's a bit older and mellowed, some smart ar$e comedian rings him up on national radio and makes assertions/brags about what he has done sexually to his daughter/grand daughter. I wonder how he would feel about that?
As for me I am a fan of Jonathan Ross on Radio 2 on Saturday mornings. I'm not so keen on the Friday night show these days as to me he's getting more like Parkinson who I couldn't stand. All that sucking up to people while they plug their latest product really irritates me, and that's putting it mildly. I suppose the radio show is more entertaining as it is punctuated with some decent music.
I hope this does not signal a dumming down of the more cutting edge comedy shown on telly, I can't bear the usual sitcoms presumably so beloved of the Daily Mail type of viewing public.
The BBC (and the Daily Mail) have to acknowledge the diversity of the sudience, what some find offensive, others find funny. To my mind the base of comedy is to challenge the audience. The simple solution is if you don't like it, switch it off.