Legendary Member
Saturday night....might go out and get off my tits ! Roll in at 2am and watch it.🙄
Or more realistically I might fall asleep on the couch and watch it tomorrow...those days are over.
Saturday night....might go out and get off my tits ! Roll in at 2am and watch it.🙄
That's a bit late. Flipping timezones.
I'm shocked 😘The bookies rarely get it wrong!
I've gone EW with Bling!
Well done to the Australian police for helping Matthews to a bronze medal(!)Apparently MVDP has been arrested. Some teen girls were knocking on his door in the night and there was an altercation and he’s been arrested!
I didn't even bother checking BBC for live! (Higlights set to record). I'm wathcing Eurosport via tiz-cycling, my poor man's goto for everything except the Grand Tours.
Oddly that comment hasn't been mentioned since La Vuelta started!Spoilt little brat! He doesn't treat riders with respect!
Belgium had been open in their pre race interviews that their tactic was to put one of R.Ev and WvA in the main break of the day and have the other wait for the catch. I didn't see the early stages, but if those two were taking turns joining breakaway attempts, I doubt any other team there could stop all escapes from succeeding. I suspect some might have decided that a post-Vuelta/ITT R.Ev was more likely to be caught that a rested WvA.I've just caught up with that. Well, kind of. I half-watched some of the GCN highlights. Sometimes I don't understand bike racing. WTF was everyone thinking letting that break go containing Remco and some of his little Belgian chums? Were they incapable, or was everyone looking at each other to chase?