Words or phrases that you hate ...

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"How are you today?" (tele-spammers.)


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
"Woop Woop"
what the hell is that all about? its posted on forums and facebook as some sort of celebratory shout, yet i've never once heard anyone shout this in the street, in fact if i did i'd probebly slap them across the face and tell them exactly how stupid they sound...


Hopeless romantic
'Can I speak to the owner of the business or account holder please' - is the phrase that really annoys me. Also mis-spelt words like kwik, nite, donut and nu.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
It's what guinea pigs say.

...never seen a guinea pig on a submarine.


Rural Quebec
mostly on the interweb by people without a spellchecker I assume: to for too. rediculous for ridiculous and irregardless for regardless. I am also with Ali G on the Usasian "NOT". There are many variations on the meaningless "Have a nice day" but "Have a GREAT day" from someone who has no interest in whether you live or die is particularly grating.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
The one I hate is the purely American, "How are you today?" when you go into a shop. I've no objections to Americans saying it as it is part of their culture. However, Brits know better and they know that they should be coming out with Good Morning/Afternoon.

My stock answer to it is, "Same as I was yesterday. Why do you ask?" and sometimes they're even aware enough for it to make the point. The last time this happened was in the Rohan shop near Covent Garden and the bloke cracked up at my dazzling wit leaving me thinking "uh?". He was, of course, American. At least he didn't get offended.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
I really hate this 'at' business that pubs have now, for example the one I saw today, it was just called 'The George' and it's in Brailes, but now it's 'The George at Brailes'. 'kin ridiculous!
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