Woodrup Split Personality!

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North Shields
This is quite the saga!


The wanderer returns!
The frame arrived safely about half an hour ago along with a mug for my troubles.
It is staying put now.



Oh! I was about to put the frame in my garage for the time being in it's box. On opening my garage I discovered the box which DC Lane sent it to me in. I decided to break the box up for recycling. It's a good job I did because at the bottom I noticed a metal half moon shaped thing . It was part of the Cinelli expander clamp. I didn't know it was part of the bar clamp.


I thought I would just look at my last post to see what state my frame was in and to think of what to do painting wise. As I said I have put the frame away in my garage for the time being. Getting lost in the post and sorting all of that out post momentum and a few other projects have occupied my thoughts.
Just looking at the frame just now has raised a few questions. The paint has faded and there are now more bare metal places to paint. The bare metal can easily be spot primed. It is what to do with the rest of the frame which concerns me. Some people would just have the paint stripped and repainted or powder coated. I'm different! :wacko: I'm concerned about the transfers! I'm not sure if I can get replacements especially the Reynolds red 531 transfer. It needs some thought and investigation.
Part of me is wondering how much of the existing paintwork can be preserved. Having stripped back a painted frame to discover what lay underneath had a certain appeal to me. I may be masochistic but there was excitement at discovering original paintwork, it might have yellowed with age but most of it was there. I'm wondering if a similar thing can be done with this frame so that sometime in the future someone might want to see what was underneath.
As I say I am playing with ideas, it's something I can think about whilst planning how to spray my brother's old Holdsworth frame which is in a similar situation. The Woodrup poses more of a problem due to fading.


Legendary Member
Given the paintwork excluding teh circled area is decent ish (or looks it) how about doing a fade to darker style paint scheme in the damage area? just an thought / idea...



Given the paintwork excluding teh circled area is decent ish (or looks it) how about doing a fade to darker style paint scheme in the damage area? just an thought / idea...

View attachment 754782

It is something to consider. The drinks mount area is a shame as it is close to the Woodrup transfer. I will have to see if it would be possible to carefully mask out the letters and fade a light coat of red into it. Some of the paintwork seems to be very thin rather than faded, not sure if it was done to keep the weight down.
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