Woodrup Split Personality!

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Legendary Member
I like the fork strengthening plates fitted to the insides of the front forks. They have playing card aces cut into them.

Nice detailing and a enormous weight saving! I do like the fact that they made lugs etc look pretty back in the day


The stem is seized! I put a straight handlebar through the top and a large plank through the forks. All I got was it twisting. I will have to invert the frame and pour something down to free it up.


Turn the frame upside down, place the nut in a vice and use a length of wood through the top of forks to release the nut.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@iilavago - once you've done the re-spray Woodrup can supply some decals.

Alternatively there's a listing on eBay for lots of sets for £30 + delivery. I'm watching it as I need the white decals on cyan blue in the middle, but not the rest. Any interest to you to share them? I'm considering buying the lot and splitting them to put on sale separately.

The daughter who was selling this said the other two Woodrup's he had in Australia were stolen but he kept this one. I do wonder whether he knew it was damaged and had sold the other two due to necessity - from snippets the daughter was saying - and simply said they were stolen. However, we'll never know.
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@iilavago - once you've done the re-spray Woodrup can supply some decals.

Alternatively there's a listing on eBay for lots of sets for £30 + delivery. I'm watching it as I need the white decals on cyan blue in the middle, but not the rest. Any interest to you to share them? I'm considering buying the lot and splitting them to put on sale separately.

The daughter who was selling this said the other two Woodrup's he had in Australia were stolen but he kept this one. I do wonder whether he knew it was damaged and had sold the other two due to necessity - from snippets the daughter was saying - and simply said they were stolen. However, we'll never know.

I'm not sure at the moment. S WMBO isn't here at the moment and I haven't mentioned the cost of repair yet! :ohmy: One good point was that she said that it looked nice! It does! I was looking at it yesterday at the paint finish. The only place which lets it down is that stay. Okay it has gone pink in places but there are no rust spiders lurking underneath the paint which I can see. The paint finish is like glass with only a couple of chips. I'm not sure if it has a powder coat finish or has been sprayed. Both have problems in trying to get into tight corners but they have managed to get paint into the underside of the cable guide on the bottom bracket. That is tricky!
For a frame which is over 40 years old I am amazed by it's condition. The stay is the only thing which lets it down .


How much would Ellis Briggs cost?

Worth a try?


I have left the frame upside down with a mixture of engine oil and White spirit in the forks to soak for a few days . Today I took along to our Mens Shed to pop it into their wood vice to see if I could free the stem. The first job was to loosen the top nut on the headset. It wouldn't budge at home and still didn't want to loosen but eventually turned. I then had a go at trying to turn the stem . I placed a straight pair of handlebars through the stem and heaved! It wasn't half stiff! It eventually started to move making a loud groaning noise. I tried moving it back and forth several times but it wouldn't loosen so I have got it upside down soaking again. Hopefully now that the seal is broken some of my mixture might work it's way down .


I had another go at trying to free the stem this afternoon. I made up a Heath Robinson type holder to hold the forks whilst I tried to turn the bars. I think I managed to turn the bars back and forth several times but they still refused to loosen. I will have to think of another plan.


I mixed up some old engine oil and white spirit , poured it into the bottom of the stem, rammed a cork in and left the frame upside down for several days . Today my brother came round so I got him to hold the frame whilst I hit the stem from below with a rubber mallet. It moved a bit. We then rested the frame on an outside bench , put a large plank between the forks and got my wife to press down on the plank whilst we tried to free the stem. I twisted a pair of straight bars whilst my brother held the frame . There was a loud crack and the stem started to turn . I continued to twist the bars back and forth in an upward motion and it started to come out . It is now free!


Here they are now separated.


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