Wild Camping Punishment

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I accept that coming from North of the border may have given me a slightly entitled attitude to gaining access to the countryside, but spraying a single cyclist for daring to camp on the very edge of his newly harvested field, is disgusting in my book.

I've never came across such an attitude and I've been around farms and farmers all my life, but from what I can remember, they were too busy dealing with real issues to be worried about a guy sleeping under a hedge.



Leg End Member
It's got the farming community divided

Personally, over the top reaction from the tractor driver.


I assumed farm hand as well rather than land owner.

Not entirely sure why, other than most of these guys are just too busy to worry about a single cyclist.


Active Member
I've not seen any substantiated reports but it's being said on Twitter that he was on a charity ride. That aside, he didn't exactly look the type to be leaving broken beer bottles and disposable BBQs all over the place. I guess this is just a reminder that there are some people out there who take pride in being utterly repugnant at the first sniff of an opportunity.
I thought the camper saw it coming and ducked into the tent. Does that make it that assault is harder to prove but criminal damage mmight be the charge should it go that way?

From what I heard there were two legitimate campsites a matter of a few hundred yards either way of the the cyclist. Anyone know why the camper didn't just use them? I've turned up very late at campsites quite a few times and just picked a spot then paid up the next day. That is kind of accepted practise if late arriving as a backpacker or cycletourist like this guy. Either way this would never have happened if he had used those campsites, not that I am condoning the farm worker's actions. I just think I can't really support a guy who was also a bit of a nob for doing that near pukka campsites. Also, if you did do that then late pitch and very early rise too then confrontation is less likely too.

I think two people could do with learning a lesson here, the farm worker most of all though.


Leg End Member
I thought the camper saw it coming and ducked into the tent. Does that make it that assault is harder to prove but criminal damage mmight be the charge should it go that way?

From what I heard there were two legitimate campsites a matter of a few hundred yards either way of the the cyclist. Anyone know why the camper didn't just use them? I've turned up very late at campsites quite a few times and just picked a spot then paid up the next day. That is kind of accepted practise if late arriving as a backpacker or cycletourist like this guy. Either way this would never have happened if he had used those campsites, not that I am condoning the farm worker's actions. I just think I can't really support a guy who was also a bit of a nob for doing that near pukka campsites. Also, if you did do that then late pitch and very early rise too then confrontation is less likely too.

I think two people could do with learning a lesson here, the farm worker most of all though.
Charity ride for a cancer charity. His wife died due to cancer. He wanted to keep costs down.

As for getting out of the way, how was he supposed to know which way the tractor driver was going to go having driven into the field.
Behind the canvas, up against the hedge would be one of the safest places in the field. No one will deliberately drive into a hedge, destroying the field boundary, when there's livestock in the field.

A tractor an slurry tanker will be around 25 foot long, how do avoid it?
Outrunning it isn't an option.


Charity ride for a cancer charity. His wife died due to cancer. He wanted to keep costs down.

As for getting out of the way, how was he supposed to know which way the tractor driver was going to go having driven into the field.
Behind the canvas, up against the hedge would be one of the safest places in the field. No one will deliberately drive into a hedge, destroying the field boundary, when there's livestock in the field.

A tractor an slurry tanker will be around 25 foot long, how do avoid it?
Outrunning it isn't an option.

Didn't realise he was on a charity ride like that.

It probably shouldn't make any difference what the cyclist was doing, but that makes it even worse for me.
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