Why is NASA scared of Mars?

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Legendary Member
London, UK
When I want to cross the road at the pelican crossing and press the button, why do I have to wait for the lights to go red... Why wouldn't they just go red, ya know, straight away?

NASA isn't scared of going to Mars any more than I am of crossing the road. But sometimes when money is concerned, things take time.


Leg End Member
When I want to cross the road at the pelican crossing and press the button, why do I have to wait for the lights to go red... Why wouldn't they just go red, ya know, straight away?

NASA isn't scared of going to Mars any more than I am of crossing the road. But sometimes when money is concerned, things take time.
Have you tried the cone?
jonny jeez

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
When I want to cross the road at the pelican crossing and press the button, why do I have to wait for the lights to go red... Why wouldn't they just go red, ya know, straight away?

NASA isn't scared of going to Mars any more than I am of crossing the road. But sometimes when money is concerned, things take time.
Oh I disagree. I think NASA is running scared of even discussing a single mission objective. Like going to Mars .

I don't think their fear is about loss of anything more than funding...or existence.

If they bet on red and America changes its mind in the mean time...that could be the end of NASA.

I think that is the fear.

So to use your analogy, I think NASA is calling a taxi to cross the road because the taxi needs planning and organisation, whilst just crossing the road might mean getting to the other side too soon.
What, you sneezed on the rover?
The optical coils in the stability augmentation systems, may have my D.N.A. on them. Which means if the alien super master race is out there cloning us, the clones will be me. It'll be like that Star Wars movie, life imitating art :eek: with lots of mini me clones running around, probing unsuspecting astronauts, with their / my clammy boney alien / me / hybrid fingers.:blink:


Leg End Member
The optical coils in the stability augmentation systems, may have my D.N.A. on them. Which means if the alien super master race is out there cloning us, the clones will be me. It'll be like that Star Wars movie, life imitating art :eek: with lots of mini me clones running around, probing unsuspecting astronauts, with their / my clammy boney alien / me / hybrid fingers.:blink:
There's at least another nine of me "out there" among the rest of you lot!!
jonny jeez

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
The optical coils in the stability augmentation systems, may have my D.N.A. on them. Which means if the alien super master race is out there cloning us, the clones will be me. It'll be like that Star Wars movie, life imitating art :eek: with lots of mini me clones running around, probing unsuspecting astronauts, with their / my clammy boney alien / me / hybrid fingers.:blink:

seriously, you must love that thought, you could be the genesis for an entire race.

seriously, you must love that thought, you could be the genesis for an entire race.
It was brilliant, but then, when I actually seriously thought about it, it was massively :wacko:.
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