Why is NASA scared of Mars?

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jonny jeez

Legendary Member
NASA now suggests a manned trip to mars in 2030...or there abouts, yet the technology and resources are available to send man to the red planet within the next 10 years. In fact it seems we could go within the next 3 but would need to delay untill the budgets catch up with us over the following 7 years.

NASA states concerns, like back contamination, planetary protection and radiation ...and then sets out to spend billions of bucks and years of time researching every last detail.

A single objective mission (like going to the moon in the 60s) stands the risk of putting all of NASAs financial eggs in a one basket and ultimately could lead to cancellation of funding. Without a few side projects on the go, this would leave NASA in a financially vulnerable position.

Is NASA scared of loosing astronauts, or scared of loosing funding?


H&S innit....they've made my job hard, imagine how bad it is for them. :laugh:

Deleted member 1258

As said above both but I suspect its more about funding. They have had robots on the surface for years so I suspect they know enough about conditions on the surface to have that sussed out, the big unknown is the journey.


Legendary Member
Maybe when it becomes an almost routine round trip for unmanned missions, when they've progressed to successfully sending plants and other organisms , they might then move on to humans I doubt we'd get to hear about any more dogs, cats or monkeys being sent into space, however..
Are you mad?


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I believe sending men to Mars is no more than interplanitary dick swinging, the science benefit is limited. Let the private companies do the tourism whilst NASA should concentrate on robot missions where real science and discovery is to be done. There are places in the solar system with water and with organic molecules, go there and look for life instead, there is lots to learn.
Once you send lifeforms to Mars, you contaminate the surface, and the chances of detecting life on Mars approach 100%.
With current technology, after a 1 year trip, astronauts will be almost useless at doing anything. They can barely walk when back on earth.
Robots may be slow and limited but can keep on chugging along, analysing rock and probing for biochemistry. Do we really need people to operate them? More advanced robots, working in teams, with some rescue and repair capabilities would do much more science for much less money than manned missions.


They should launch a mission now, after all according to the film 'The Martian'
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej3ioOneTy8
You can grow spuds in your own poo....i mean if they send enough people up, build a few bogs, they may even be able to grow a few turnips and if they munch on some vindaloo they may be able to grow the odd cabbage as well. How about they take some grass seed along with a petrol mower fitted with an oxygen bottle they'll even be able to sunbath on a lawn.......Ok i'll get my coat:wacko:


Legendary Member
I have a method for search the cosmos, which is not quite si-fi
Basically you take your own planet with you.

Send a satellite to survey the Asteroid belt which is just beyond Mars
Find a suitable mostly solid iron asteroid, something 5-10 miles across
With a bit of nudging, move it into an earth orbit (only needs a slight thrust, and who case if it take 10 years to arrive)
Mine the asteroid from the inside to create a vast void for the iron ore which can be dropped down on earth as targeted meteorites
Terraform the interior of the asteroid, move a small population up there who then can live for a generation or two in Earth's orbit learning how to live off planet.
Move the asteroid out of earths orbit, a couple of slingshots around say Jupiter and then the sun should give you a decent speed and then head for the nearest star
A few generations later you arrive, check it out and move on until you find a planet you can populate. then keep on moving
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